Vacancy for the Position of Procurement Officer

Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified nationals of the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) Member States, for the position of Procurement Officer.

Full details of this position may be obtained by downloading the job description below.

Applications with full curriculum vitae details including nationality, work experience, educational qualifications, summary of professional skills and or expertise, language proficiency; coordinates (including e-mail addresses) of two (2) referees (at least one of whom must be familiar with the applicant’s work) and other relevant information, should be addressed to:

“Application for Position of Procurement Officer”
The Chief Executive Officer
CARICOM Development Fund
1st Floor East, SKY Mall
Haggatt Hall, St. Michael BB11063

and sent by email to: and

The deadline for submission of applications is 2nd January 2024.

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