Consultancy: Institutional strengthening in Resource identification and mobilization

Description of Intervention

Since its inception, the primary source of funding for Caribbean Export has been the European Development Fund (EDF) provided by European Union (EU) to African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states. Over the years, the Agency has mobilized small amounts of funding support from development partners, such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Commonwealth Secretariat, the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), among others. However, the current funding streams are not sufficient to adequately address the development challenges facing the region across the three strategic pillars identified in Caribbean Export’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan (

Moreover, there has been a major shift in donor funding. Donors are transitioning from countries with improved macro income levels and are earmarking their support to programmatic areas that are aligned with their national priorities for development aid and/or to facilitate accountability. Caribbean Export is affected by these trends and will need to adopt a business model which utilizes a targeted and systematic funding mechanism; focuses on developing and maintaining private-sector partnerships, leveraging the expertise of the Agency, and building on a solid structure that effectively leverages resource mobilization. For this reason, it is important for Caribbean Export to develop and strengthen its capacities to identify and mobilize specific funding programmes from current development partners invested in the region and also harness the ability to ideate and grow private sector partnerships that allow for the sustainability of the Agency, and the projects and programmes that are implemented that support private sector development..

In this framework, the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) requests the Business ACP Technical Assistance (TA) to strengthen Caribbean Export’s capacities to:

  • Identify new engagement tools to identify and onboard new partners that enable Caribbean Export’s to implement programming within the region in consonance with its strategic objectives.
  • Ideate and launch a tactical strategy and internal mechanism to grow resource mobilization initiatives from within Caribbean Export, thus ensuring sustainability of the Agency and the initiatives developed.
  • Develop a value proposition and operational strategy that enables Caribbean Export to onboard private sector partners from within and outside the region to access funding to implement and/or augment trade/investment initiatives in the Caribbean region.


The general objective of the intervention is to contribute to the development of the private sector in the Caribbean region.

The specific objective of the intervention is to strengthen Caribbean Export’s capacities to mobilize resources and to ensure its sustainability and the implementation of key programmatic areas outlined in Caribbean Export’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan ( ). It is also expected that the intervention will contribute to building the capacities of the OACPS Regional Focal Points in the Caribbean Region to enable them implement key interventions that respond to the needs of the region at the time and have lasting effect in the continued development of the Caribbean.


To apply, please submit a CV to Alicia Castillo at with Charlotte Lyne in copy at no later than July 21, 2023.

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