Consultancy: Technical Assistance for obtaining a Certification in Good Manufacturing Practices (ISO 22716) for the benefit of Laboratorio Capilo Español SRL within the framework of the Binational Support Project for the Essential Oil and Cosmetics value chain

Under the 11th EDF bi-national Programme, Caribbean Export along with its bi-national partners are pursuing the development of a Binational Value Chain Strategy for the Essential Oil and Cosmetics sector in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, in order to maximize the potential export from both countries.

As part of the Strategy, eight (8) beneficiaries from the sector in Haiti and the DR were identified, (four (4) from each country), to be part of the Value Chain Project and an individual strategy/a detailed Action Plan was prepared for each, to improve its quality and international competitiveness, including possible collaborations with other international institutions.

For this reason, Caribbean Export started with the implementation of the individual strategies and action plans for the beneficiary companies of the Project.

This consultancy has been developed in response to an immediate need for the beneficiary company LABORATORIO CAPILO ESPAÑOL.


The objective of this technical assistance for the company Laboratorio Capilo Español S.R.L. seeks to ensure that said company complies with the ISO / IEC 22716 standard of good manufacturing practices for the cosmetics industry, provided by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and therefore can obtain a certification.

The specific objectives are among others:

  • Support the company Laboratorio Capilo Español S.R.L. in all activities required to be certified according to ISO/IEC 22716.
  • Design of the implementation of the ISO/IEC 22716 standard at Laboratorio Capilo Español S.R.L.
  • Carry out pre-certification audits.
  • Identify in the pre-certification audit all the non-conformities with respect to the ISO/IEC 22716 standard to identify the aspects to improve and strengthen, so that the company approves the certification audit.
  • Review of existing documentation and its organization.
  • Training the staff of the company to comply with the standard. At least fifty (50) participants from the Capilo Español network.

Interested persons are kindly asked to review the full terms of reference and submit a technical and financial proposal electronically to Ileana Tejada, Senior Advisor – Private Sector Development & IP at

The deadline for submissions is February 20, 2023, 4:30 pm (Dominican Republic local time).

The working language of this consultancy is Spanish, therefore the TORs are only available in Spanish.