TOR: Technical Assistance for Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Compliance with International Regulations for the Export of Vegetables and Organic Products, Applicable to the European Union

Attending to Component 3 of this Program related to the institutional collaboration between the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MiPymes (MICM) of the Dominican Republic and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Haiti, Caribbean Export intends to strengthen the capacity of the Ministries responsible for related to commerce and industry. In this sense, the objective of this Technical Assistance is the design of a plan that allows the successful accreditation of the corresponding authorities of the country before the Dominican Accreditation Organization (ODAC).


The objective of this Technical Assistance is to strengthen the institutional capacities of the corresponding authorities of the Dominican Republic so that they become certifiers of organic production products for the export of vegetables and organic products to the European market. The consultant will work under the authority of Caribbean Export and MICM and must exercise all professionalism, diligence, and discretion in handling network information.

The language of this consultancy is Spanish and all proposals must be submitted in French and Spanish.

The specific objectives are among others:

  • A documentary investigation on the technical and administrative processes that must be assumed by the corresponding authorities for the compliance with European Union regulations for the export of vegetables and organic products.
  • A survey of the main needs required for the start of the process.
  •  Preparation of a roadmap with structures required for compliance with the international standard of the corresponding authority of the Dominican Republic, which subsequently acts as certifiers of national products that are exported to the European Union.
  •  A training to the personnel of the corresponding authority for the socialization of the applicable norm(s), for a better understanding of the scheme that is being proposed and its joint implementation with the regulation of the matter, approved by the Department of agriculture.
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