Consultancy-Project Packaging and Lead Generation Consultancy for Binational Joint Investment Promotion Project

Caribbean Export was commissioned by the Governments of the Dominican Republic, Haiti and the European Union to implement the “Trade and Private Sector Component” of the Haiti-Dominican Republic Binational Cooperation Program, under the eleventh (11th) European Development Fund (EDF) FED/2018/399-379. The general objective of this Program is “Strengthen economic and trade cooperation between Haiti and the Dominican Republic in a sustainable manner, supporting initiatives that can reduce current imbalances in the long term and reduce poverty levels.”

The Program has three (3) main objectives:

  • The promotion of a more balanced and formal trade between Haiti and the Dominican Republic;
  • The quality of the goods produced in both countries and greater competitiveness of the companies, with a particular focus on three (3) value chains: Cocoa/Chocolate; Essential Oils/Cosmetics; Crafts/Fashion/Accessories/Jewellery;
  • Strengthening of institutional cooperation between the Ministries in charge of issues related to trade and Customs Administrations, as well as public-private and private-private dialogue.

Under the Subcomponent “Quality and Private Sector Development”, the Agency will support the Investment Promotion Agencies of Haiti and the Dominican Republic to strength their capacity to attract investment with particular attention to the border region.

Consequently, the following consultancy seeks to hire the services of a consultant or a firm to develop a project packaging and lead generation strategy for Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the Consultancy is to develop an investment package that will be used to secure capitalization from foreign investors in the joint investment promotion project that was developed under the Trade and Private Sector Component of the 11th EDF Haiti-DR Binational Programme by each country’s investment promotion agency. Accompanying this project packaging directive, the Consultant must also develop a lead generation strategy to be implemented by the investment promotion agencies of Haiti (Centre de Facilitation des Investissements – CFI) and the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana). This strategy will take into consideration the joint investment project developed within the framework of the Binational Programme, the creation of border-zones industrial parks (B-ZIPs).

Proposals must be submitted before 4:30 PM AST on February 28, 2023 to the following email address, with the reference “TA Investment Promotion “.

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