Consultancy: Results Based Management and Reporting for Caribbean Export


In 2021 the Caribbean Export Development Agency developed the Strategic Plan 2021-2024 with the theme ‘Building Business Transforming Lives for a Resilient Caribbean’. The Agency’s success in implementing the strategic plan will depend heavily on tracking progress towards expected results.

Within this plan the Agency committed to implementing a comprehensive results-based management framework. Currently, the Agency operates within a basic M&E infrastructure, where an M&E framework, Policy, Evaluation Strategy, and document dossier system have been developed to guide the Agency’s M&E operations.

The fundamental goal of Results-Based Management (RBM) is to create and use evidence/performance information/data to advance management practices and strengthen accountability and good governance.

An ongoing process of monitoring, evaluation and learning will improve delivery processes, document results, inform stakeholders about the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency of the strategic plan, and mobilize political support for sustaining and expanding the programmes.

In view of this, Caribbean Export seeks to work with an RBM specialist to support collection, management and reporting of data from the Agency’s activities through the implementation of the ongoing process of monitoring and evaluations.

The overall objective of this Consultancy is to develop and implement systems and mechanisms that ensure robust and rigorous monitoring, measurement and proactive guidance on programme, project and task implementation at the Agency.


3.1 Qualifications

A Bachelor’s degree in Project Management, Management, Internal Auditing or a related field.

3.2 Work Experience

  • At least 5 years’ experience in a similar capacity in a comparable organisation.
  • Demonstrable track record of achievement in the fields of project and programme management.
  • Computer proficiency skills particularly in excel, Power Bi, project management applications or other data management tools.
  • Excellent writing skills, particularly in technical reporting.
  • Multitasking skills and the ability to perform effectively under pressure and tight deadlines.
  • Relationship management skills.
  • Fluent in English. Ability to communicate in French, Spanish or Dutch, desirable.


The Applicant must submit their CV, a quotation and the completed Applicant Declaration Form.

CVs and quotations together with the Applicant Declaration Form must be submitted to Ms. JoEllen Laryea, Manager (ag) – Partnerships, Advocacy and Reporting at no later than 5.00 pm AST on January 18, 2023.

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