Consultancy Services: eCommerce Operations Training/Coaching Services

Given the significant growth in global ecommerce, and the need for suppliers to bring products to the doorsteps of buyers, the Agency has sought to prioritize ecommerce as a means of increasing exports from and within the Caribbean. Ecommerce in the Caribbean is faced with several challenges including lack of knowledge and know-how of available and appropriate options and business models and their management implications and financial implications, availability and security of online payments, cost and availability of freight, warehousing, and fulfilment of orders, among others.

In response to these challenges, Caribbean Export is Implementing the Virtual E-Commerce Accelerator Programme (VEAP) targeting BSOs and export-ready businesses in 15 CARIFORUM Member Countries as we seek to strengthen the ecommerce capacity and capability of Caribbean businesses and BSOs through hands on training and coaching in the areas of ecommerce development strategy and ecommerce operations. The Programme will target at least 30 BSOs (2 per country) and 150 businesses (5 businesses attached to each BSO) in a single cohort.

A critical element of the accelerator programme is, in addition to the practical approach to the training and coaching content, firms and BSO would be provided with access to the online tools that they can use to immediately implement lessons and skills learnt to start and or grow online businesses. This is expected to increase the chances of success and impact for businesses, as well as the long-term sustainability and replicability of the initiative by BSOs.

Specifically, this initiative will:

  • Train Caribbean firms and BSOs in ecommerce
  • Increase the number of new Caribbean ecommerce sites
  • Expand the number of Caribbean products being sold via ecommerce
  • Increase export sales via ecommerce
  • Expand the sale of Caribbean products into new markets
  • Equip the BSOs with ecommerce coaching skills
  • Provide BSOs and firms with the key ecommerce online tools needed
  • Develop an online repository of all the training sessions and information to assist firms via Caribbean Export´s e-learning platform.
  • Develop ecommerce strategies for firms

Caribbean Export is seeking the professional services of a consultant/firm whose primary goal will be to develop and deliver extended hands-on training session to selected CARIFORUM BSO representatives or coaches and a training programme for Caribbean firms seeking to establish and develop ecommerce presence or increase exports from their existing platforms.

Those interested are kindly asked to review the full terms of reference and submit a proposal outlining the methodology and curriculum. In addition a financial proposal and Curriculum Vitae detailing work undertaken in ecommerce are to be presented electronically to Phillip Jackson at: copied to Damie Sinanan at

To participate in any procurement undertaken by Caribbean Export, all applicants must complete and submit to the agency the Applicant Declaration Form.

The deadline for submissions is July 29, 2022, 4:30 pm EST.

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