Expression of Interest: Virtual E-Commerce Accelerator Programme (VEAP II)

We are delighted to announce the launch of Cohort 2 of our impactful Virtual E-Commerce Accelerator Programme (VEAP II). The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) has received funding from Expertise France through the Digital Response Connecting Citizens Programme (DIRECCT), an initiative of the European Union to assist businesses and institutions in the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OEACP) respond to the challenges occasioned by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The overarching objective of VEAP is to strengthen the capabilities of CARIFORUM firms and Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in adopting cutting-edge e-commerce technologies and streamlined processes. The desired outcome is to enable them to expand their market presence, enhance customer engagement, and ultimately boost export sales and profits. The official launch of this transformative programme is scheduled for Thursday, August 18, 2023.

Specifically, VEAP II will:

  • Train Caribbean firms and BSOs in E-Commerce strategy and operations
  • Increase the number of new Caribbean E-Commerce sites
  • Expand the number of Caribbean products being sold via E-Commerce
  • Expand market access and entry for Caribbean businesses and Increase export sales
  • Equip the BSOs with E-Commerce coaching skills to facilitate local E-Commerce development after the project

To achieve these objectives, participating businesses in the target countries will be equipped, through training and coaching by Master Trainers, with the requisite knowledge and resources to prepare for E-Commerce adoption or acceleration in their business strategy. Successful companies will be trained and supervised by the Master Trainers with the assistance of the BSOs through the following modules:


The program is comprised as 8 Modules which include:

Module 1Ecommerce Business Strategy
Module 2Ecommerce Pricing Financial Modelling
Module 3Ecommerce Payments and Logistics Systems
Module 4Generating Leads with Target Marketing
Module 5Ecommerce Operations and Logistics
Module 6Scaling Your Ecommerce Business With Automation
Module 7Cybersecurity
Module 8Data Analysis

Once a week, companies and BSOs will be engaged in hands-on learning over a 5-month period. Those businesses who require access to an online marketplace will be provided access and support to implement lessons learnt.

How to Apply to the Programme?

Start your application to the VEAP II by filling out this form. Please fill out all fields as this will help us to better decide on your placement should you be admitted into the Programme.

You will receive notification of your acceptance via email.

We look forward to your application and serving your E-Commerce adoption needs.

Apply Now

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