Call for Projects Seeking Capital Investment

The Caribbean Export Development Agency invites businesses and projects that are seeking capital investment, to present projects at the upcoming Caribbean Investment Forum from October 23-25, 2023, in the Bahamas.

  • Do you have a large project with national or regional reach that needs capital investment over US$1mn within any of the following sectors?
    • Agricultural Technology (AgTech)
    • Logistics and Transport
    • Information Communications Technology (ICT)
    • Renewable Energy
  • Are you a Small or Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) seeking access to financing of at least US$500,000 to implement projects that fall within any of the above-named sectors?
  • Is your business or project located within a CARIFORUM* member state?
  • Would you like support in finding investors?
  • Would you like support to develop your project to make it more attractive to investors?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, we are interested in hearing from you.

About the Caribbean Investment Forum 2023

The Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) 2023 is a multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary platform championed by the Caribbean Export Development Agency and its partners to accelerate the closure of the Caribbean’s investment gaps and ultimately transform the region’s economy by providing jobs and opportunities for its people.

At CIF2023 attendees will explore abundant investment opportunities spanning agriculture and agribusiness to renewable energy, and digitalisation, FinTech and logistics and shipping. The Caribbean Export Development Agency together with its partners the European Union, the Government of the Bahamas and CARICOM Secretariat are working together to propel investment ventures forward and drive transformation.

CIF 2023 builds on the success of its inaugural 2022 edition in Trinidad and Tobago, which attracted over 600 delegates from 46 countries. Scheduled at Atlantis – Paradise Island, The Bahamas, from 23-25 October, CIF 2023 will be the year’s largest business gathering in the Caribbean, expecting over 1000 participants. The highly anticipated forum aims to attract investments for a greener and smarter Caribbean economy, promote the region as an investment destination, and facilitate meaningful connections between the investment community and businesses.

CIF Investment Villages

The CIF2023 Investment Villages is where investment potential is unlocked. The investment villages are a major component of CIF and will be a focus of the international communications campaign to attract investors and businesses to the event. CIF2023 will host four investment villages, each focused on one of the key sectors (AgTech, ICT, Renewable Energy and Logistics & Shipping) and provide a platform for large-scale bankable projects to be presented to the attending investment audience.

At CIF 2023, approved projects will be afforded the opportunity to present investment projects to investors at these themed investment villages that will take place on each day of the event.  CIF will have vetted investors from across the world with an active interest in developing partnerships and investing in projects in the Caribbean, providing an unprecedented opportunity for interested businesses who are seeking to raise capital investments.   

Investment projects should be bankable and have ideally completed a feasibility study.  If not, Caribbean Export will provide support via the Investment Project Preparation Facility to prepare projects ahead of the CIF2023.

To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the project profile no later than Friday August 11, 2023. Kindly note that projects will be considered in the order received.

For more information about the Caribbean Investment Forum, please visit the event website at

Participation at CIF2023 is not guaranteed. For projects that are accepted to present at CIF2023, project owners will be responsible for their travel and accommodation to attend the event but will be provided with a complimentary VIP pass, valued at US$2,000, to the three (3) day event held over the period October 23- 25, 2023.

*CARIFORUM Member States are Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago.

complete the project profile

Expression of Interest: Development and Population of an e-Learning Management Platform

Request for Expressions of Interest: Consulting Services for the Development and Population of the eLearning Management Platform for the CDTI

Caribbean Export Development Agency, headquartered in Barbados has received funding from the Inter-American Development Bank to implement the Caribbean Digital Transformation Institute (CDTI) Project (RG-T3992) to support digital transformation of the Region’s private sector. Caribbean Export seeks an experienced consulting firm to design and develop a Digital Transformation Institute (DTI) – an online platform that will deliver customized courses to MSMEs to help in their digital transformation initiatives. The courses offered to each business will be part of a recommended learning path based on the digital maturity level of that business as revealed by the results of a Digital Check-up tool. The platform will therefore have an in-built function that allows a user to select the learning path consistent with their digital maturity level.

What is the Digital Check-up Tool?

The Digital Check-up is an online assessment tool developed to assist smaller companies to, quickly and independently, carry out analysis of their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their digital maturity. The tool categorises users based on their input into four digital maturity categories/levels. The prior Spanish version of the tool is used in various Latin-American countries. An English version was created for this Project.

What is a Learning Path?

A learning path will consist of a set of courses that will be offered to Caribbean MSMEs following their Digital Check-up self-assessment, and that will be customized to meet the needs of their specific stage of digital maturity. The courses will be virtual in format, self-paced (with the option of synchronous learning) and housed on the platform developed through this consultancy. The digital learning paths will clarify the knowledge being transferred /curricula for each path, how this knowledge is broken into courses, the length and level of effort for each course, the expected results (in terms of knowledge acquired) at the end of each course, and the sequence. The synchronous learning feature would be especially useful if Caribbean Export or its partner agencies have appropriate content for a given learning path that to be delivered via the platform. It is expected that by the time the platform is ready for use, there will be at least 300 potential users of the platform at various Maturity Levels. Going forward it is expected that 50 new users will complete the Digital Check-up per month and ready to use the platform.

Courses to be included on the platform are expected to come from various sources:

  1. Courses developed in-house by consultant (demonstrate that you have the capacity to develop courses in the relevant subject areas)
  2. Courses acquired from third parties. The EOI should briefly outline the approach for the acquisition of the courses to ensure long-term availability on the CDTI platform.
  • Appropriate pre-existing courses developed by participating business support organisations (BSOs). The consultant firm will be required to assess these courses for their suitability for inclusion on the platform. The ELM platform will have the capability to convert these courses in whatever format they exist originally to a format that is compatible with the platform.

Core Design Elements of the Platform to be Addressed in the EOI.

The EOI should answer to the extent possible, how the firm will satisfy the following design elements and requirements:

  • The sustainability of the platform beyond the life of the project, including continued access to third-party courses procured through licensing. Other sustainability elements include training of appropriate Caribbean Export’s staff to manage and maintain the platform; updating, evaluating, and incorporating courses;
  • Access management for multiple users: Businesses, BSO staff, Caribbean Export Staff
  • How the platform will recommend courses and learning paths to individual businesses based on the results of their Digital Check-up (automation?)
  • Recommended approaches for ensuring maximum engagement by business users, reducing attrition rates.
  • How course completion would be monitored by BSOs and Caribbean Export staff to keep track of level of enrollment, pace of progress, and attrition in the use of courses.
  • The types of reports that can be generated from the platform for the benefit of BSOs and Caribbean Export staff.
  • What is expected of the Caribbean Export team for the daily management of the platform during and after the handover period. It is expected that the consultancy will propose an appropriate learning period for management of the platform where Caribbean Export and other authorized users will learn how to manage the platform given the extent of their access and responsibilities.
  • The resources that Caribbean Export will have to provide for the hosting, management, and maintenance of the platform during the life of the project and beyond.

Interested consultants should provide information in writing demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The submission should include a brief overview of the approach to establish user needs, meet the core design requirements, including aspects that this REOI may have missed, and a basic mock-up of the platform with intuitive and easy to use and understand interface. The expression of interest should also propose an approach to develop and deliver a suite of training material and sessions for various users in the effective use of the platform.

The firm would possess and demonstrate where possible the following aggregate experiences, skills and competencies:

  • Staff with formal training in coding, ELM platform design, data analytics.
  • 5 years or more experience in designing and ideally managing ELM platforms.
  • Proven competence in course development for digital transformation.
  • Excellent communication and especially narrative skills.
  • Knowledge of User Experience Design and Interface Design.
  • Ability to work under pressure and deliver high quality results.
  • Working experience in Caribbean countries would be an asset.

The expressions of interest will be evaluated based on the qualifications and relevant experience of the consultant firm, the proposed approach to the core design elements and the mock-up of the platform. Shortlisted firms will subsequently be invited to present technical and economic proposals on the basis of a request for proposals.

For further information please contact Phillip Jackson (Advisor – Innovation and Digital Business) at email: or telephone number: +1 (246) 436 0578.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the email address above by Wednesday, August, 09, 2023.

Le programme Transcultura de l’UNESCO lance un appel aux jeunes chefs d’entreprises des Caraïbes dans le domaine de l’artisanat au sein des industries culturelles et créatives

Appel à un incubateur d’entreprises : Développement des exportations et opportunités de marché dans le secteur de l’artisanat.

** Contexte et objectif **

Cet appel à candidatures est lancé dans le cadre de Transcultura : Intégrer Cuba, les Caraïbes et l’Union européenne par la culture et la créativité, un programme quadriennal mis en œuvre par le Bureau régional de l’UNESCO pour la culture en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes avec le soutien de l’Union européenne.

L’objectif général du programme est d’approfondir l’intégration culturelle dans les Caraïbes et de renforcer la coopération et les échanges entre les peuples au sein de la région et avec l’Union européenne.  En particulier, le volet « entrepreneuriats et incubateurs » vise à renforcer les capacités pour le développement de nouveaux projets culturels, l’emploi autonome et les activités de démarrage et d’expansion. Le développement de projets innovants et entrepreneuriaux soutenus par le programme améliorera l’accès des bénéficiaires à de nouvelles connaissances, à de nouveaux marchés, à de nouveaux modèles de gestion et à de nouvelles sources de financement.

Dans ce contexte, l’incubateur d’entreprises : développement des exportations et opportunités de marché dans le secteur de l’artisanat est une initiative d’incubateur en ligne qui offre un cadre innovant pour le développement des exportations et l’augmentation des opportunités de marché. Grâce à cette initiative, les idées de projets créatifs et évolutifs dans le sous-secteur de l’artisanat des industries culturelles et créatives, à un stade précoce de leur développement, pourront renforcer leurs compétences en matière de promotion des exportations, de nouvelles opportunités d’entrée sur le marché et de création de réseaux régionaux.

Au cours de ce programme de six semaines, d’août 2023 à début septembre 2023, les participants s’engageront dans une variété d’activités enrichissantes conçues pour améliorer les compétences entrepreneuriales pour le domaine artisanal :

1. Cours de renforcement des capacités entrepreneuriales en ligne :

Sur une période de six semaines, les participants s’inscriront à un cours en ligne complet couvrant des sujets essentiels tels que :

  • l’idéation de produits et de services,
  • stratégies de tarification et de marketing,
  • la préparation à l’exportation et l’entrée sur le marché dans de nouveaux territoires,
  • le commerce électronique,
  • la mise en réseau régionale et l’intégration au marché et
  • les techniques de présentation et de collecte de fonds.

Le cours sera dispensé en ligne entre août et début septembre 2023, pour une durée totale de dix-huit (18) heures. Les activités se dérouleront tous les jeudis, à raison de trois (3) heures par jour.

2. Mentorat individuel en ligne avec des professionnels d’avant-garde en affaires :

Les participants auront l’opportunité inestimable de recevoir des conseils personnalisés de la part de professionnels très capables. On jumèlera chaque participant à un mentor établi qui lui fournira des conseils d’expert et un soutien adaptés à ses besoins spécifiques pendant une période de deux semaines.

3. Exposition commerciale en ligne :

L’un des points forts du programme sera une exposition commerciale en ligne dynamique d’une journée. Au cours de cet évènement, les participants auront la possibilité de présenter leurs idées de produits et de services à grande échelle à un public ciblé. Les intervenants feront des présentations qui mettront en évidence la valeur et le caractère unique de leurs offres, tout en explorant les nouvelles opportunités commerciales qui pourraient découler de l’évènement. En s’engageant dans ces activités, les participants acquerront des connaissances précieuses, recevront des conseils personnalisés et auront l’occasion de présenter leurs projets d’entreprise à un public plus large, ce qui leur permettra en fin de compte d’exceller dans leurs entreprises.

L’initiative de l’incubateur est menée par l’Agence de développement des exportations des Caraïbes (CEDA), qui promeut le commerce et l’investissement dans la région des Caraïbes et soutient le secteur privé. CEDA se concentre sur l’augmentation des exportations, l’attraction des investissements et la création d’emplois afin d’atteindre les objectifs de développement durable. Créée en 1996, CEDA aide les entreprises à se développer au niveau national, régional et international en renforçant leurs capacités et leur compétitivité. CEDA donne la priorité à des domaines tels que le commerce électronique, la numérisation, l’énergie verte et la transition vers une économie verte et bleue. En outre, cette agence soutient les prestataires de services non touristiques et les industries créatives afin de promouvoir l’esprit d’entreprise et de tirer parti des opportunités.

** Qui peut postuler ? **

Pour être pris en considération pour l’incubateur d’entreprises le programme Transcultura de l’UNESCO, les candidats doivent remplir les conditions suivantes :

1. Âge : Les candidats doivent être âgé(e)s de 18 à 35 ans.

2. Portée géographique : Les candidats doivent avoir la citoyenneté et la résidence permanente de l’un des 17 pays des Caraïbes suivants, qui font partie du champ d’application géographique du programme Transcultura : Antigua-et-Barbuda, les Bahamas, la Barbade, le Belize, Cuba, la Dominique, la Grenade, le Guyana, Haïti, la Jamaïque, Montserrat, la République dominicaine, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines, le Suriname et Trinité-et-Tobago.

3. Exigences professionnelles : jeunes chefs d’entreprise ayant une initiative ou un projet d’entreprise en phase de démarrage dans le domaine de l’artisanat du secteur culturel et créatif.

On sélectionnera trente-quatre (34) participants dans le cadre de cet appel. Les activités d’incubation seront réparties en groupes par langue : anglais, espagnol et français.

** Procédure de candidature **

Les candidats doivent utiliser ce formulaire de candidature en ligne pour fournir des données personnelles et des informations sur leur entreprise artisanale et/ou leur initiative/projet d’entrepreneuriat.

Au moment de la candidature, les candidats devront également fournir les documents justificatifs suivants :

  1. Un portfolio avec des preuves de travail dans le domaine de l’artisanat au sein du secteur de la culture et des industries créatives.
  2. Copie numérique de votre carte d’identité ou de votre passeport.

La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 31 juillet 2023, à 23 h 59, heure de Paris (UTC+2).

** Processus de sélection **

  • Une fois toutes les candidatures reçues, elles seront soumises à un processus de sélection rigoureux.
  • Un comité de sélection, composé de professionnels remarquables de CEDA et de membres de l’équipe Transcultura de l’UNESCO, sélectionnera un maximum de trente-quatre (34) jeunes chefs d’entreprises des Caraïbes, sur la base de leur parcours et de leur initiative/projet d’entreprise.

On notifiera les postulants dont la proposition a été retenue au plus tard le 18 août 2023.

Veuillez noter que :

  • Seules les candidatures entièrement complétées seront prises en compte et évaluées pour leur pertinence.
  • Une fois toutes les candidatures reçues, le comité peut demander des informations supplémentaires. Il est conseillé que les postulants vérifient régulièrement leur boîte de réception, y compris les boîtes de courrier indésirable.
  • Le programme Transcultura de l’UNESCO se réserve le droit d’utiliser les informations des postulants dans le but exclusif de mettre en œuvre l’initiative et de préserver la confidentialité.

On encourage chaque jeune chef d’entreprises avide des Caraïbes dans le secteur de l’artisanat à saisir cette opportunité de croissance personnelle et professionnelle ! Pour toute question relative à cette activité, veuillez contacter Remorno Hamilton, conseiller en compétitivité et promotion des exportations, à son adresse électronique en copiant

UNESCO Transcultura convoca a jóvenes emprendedores caribeños en el campo de la artesanía dentro de las industrias culturales y creativas.

Convocatoria para una incubadora de emprendimientos: Desarrollo de las exportaciones y   oportunidades de merado en el sector de la artesanía  

**Contexto y propósito**

Esta convocatoria de solicitudes se lanza en el marco de Transcultura: Integrando a Cuba, el Caribe y la Unión Europea mediante la Cultura y la Creatividad, un Programa cuatrienal implementado por la Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO, con el apoyo de la Unión Europea.

El propósito general del Programa es profundizar en la integración cultural en el Caribe y fortalecer la cooperación y el intercambio entre los pueblos de la región y con la Unión Europea.  En particular, el componente de Emprendimientos e Incubadoras tiene como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades para el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos culturales, el autoempleo y las actividades de puesta en marcha/ampliación. El desarrollo de proyectos innovadores y emprendedores apoyados por el Programa mejorará el acceso de los beneficiarios a nuevos conocimientos, mercados, modelos de gestión y fuentes de financiación.

En este contexto, la incubadora de emprendimientos: Desarrollo de las exportaciones y oportunidades de merado en el sector de la artesanía es una iniciativa de incubadora en línea que ofrece un marco innovador para el desarrollo de las exportaciones y el aumento de las oportunidades de mercado. A través de esta iniciativa, las ideas de proyectos creativos y escalables dentro del subsector de la artesanía en las Industrias Culturales y Creativas y en sus primeras etapas de generación, podrán fortalecer sus competencias para la promoción de las exportaciones, las nuevas oportunidades de entrada en el mercado y la creación de redes regionales.

Durante este programa de seis semanas, desde agosto de 2023 hasta principios de septiembre de 2023, los participantes se involucrarán en una variedad de actividades enriquecedoras diseñadas para mejorar las competencias empresariales de los Artesanos:

1. Curso de capacitación en línea sobre el emprendimiento:

Durante un período de seis semanas, los participantes se inscribirán en un curso integral en línea que abordará temas esenciales como:

  • Ideación de productos y servicios,  
  • Estrategias para la fijación de precios y la comercialización,
  • Preparación para la exportación y entrada en nuevos territorios,
  • Comercio electrónico,
  • Creación de redes regionales e integración en el mercado,
  • así como Técnicas de venta y recaudación de fondos.

El curso se impartirá en línea entre agosto y principios de septiembre de 2023, con una duración total de dieciocho (18) horas. Las actividades se impartirán todos los jueves, tres (3) horas cada día.

2. Asesoramiento personalizado en línea con expertos profesionales del mundo empresarial:

Los participantes tendrán la inestimable oportunidad de recibir la orientación personalizada de profesionales empresariales experimentados. A cada participante se le asignará un mentor especializado, que le proporcionará un asesoramiento experto y un apoyo centrado en sus necesidades específicas durante un periodo de dos semanas.

3. Online Trade Show Event:

Un aspecto destacado del programa será una dinámica expo comercial en línea de un día de duración. Durante este evento, los participantes dispondrán de una plataforma para mostrar sus nuevas ideas de productos y servicios a un público destinatario. Harán presentaciones que destaquen el valor y la singularidad de sus ofertas, al tiempo que explorarán las nuevas oportunidades de negocio que puedan surgir a partir del evento. Al participar en estas actividades, los participantes adquirirán valiosos conocimientos, recibirán orientación personalizada y tendrán la oportunidad de mostrar sus iniciativas emprendedoras a un público más amplio, lo que, a la larga, les permitirá sobresalir en sus proyectos empresariales.

La iniciativa de la incubadora está dirigida por la Agencia de Desarrollo de las Exportaciones del Caribe (CEDA, según sus siglas en inglés). La Agencia promueve el comercio y la inversión en la región del Caribe y apoya al sector privado. Se centra en aumentar las exportaciones, atraer inversiones y crear empleo para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Creada en 1996, Exportaciones del Caribe ayuda a las empresas a expandirse a escala nacional, regional e internacional mejorando su capacidad y competitividad. La Agencia prioriza esferas como el comercio electrónico, la digitalización, la energía verde y la transición a una economía verde y azul. Además, apoya a los proveedores de servicios no turísticos y a las industrias creativas a fin de promover el espíritu emprendedor y aprovechar las oportunidades.

**Quién puede presentar su solicitud**

Para ser tenidos en cuenta para la incubadora de emprendimientos de UNESCO Transcultura, los solicitantes deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos:

1. Edad: Los solicitantes deben tener entre 18 y 35 años.

2.Alcance geográfico: Los solicitantes deben ser ciudadanos y residentes permanentes de cualquiera de los siguientes 17 países del Caribe dentro del alcance geográfico del Programa Transcultura: Antigua y Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Cuba, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haití, Jamaica, Montserrat, República Dominicana, Saint Kitts y Nevis, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Suriname o Trinidad y Tobago.

3. Requisitos profesionales: jóvenes emprendedores con una iniciativa / proyecto empresarial en fase inicial dentro del ámbito artesanal del sector cultural y creativo.

De esta convocatoria se seleccionarán treinta y cuatro (34) participantes. Las actividades de incubación se dividirán en grupos por idiomas: inglés, español y francés.

**Proceso de solicitud**

Los solicitantes deben presentar su solicitud a través de este modelo de solicitud en línea

para proporcionar datos personales, e información sobre su empresa y/o iniciativa/proyecto empresarial artesanal

En el momento de presentar la solicitud, se pedirá también a los candidatos que presenten los siguientes documentos acreditativos:

  1. Portfolio con evidencia de trabajos relacionados con el ámbito artesanal dentro del sector de la cultura y las industrias creativas.
  2. Copia digital de su carné de identidad o pasaporte.

La fecha límite para presentar las solicitudes es el 31 de julio de 2023, a las 18:00 hora de París (UTC +2h)

**Proceso de selección **

  • Una vez recibidas todas las solicitudes, serán sometidas a un riguroso proceso de selección.
  • Un Comité de Selección, compuesto por profesionales experimentados de la Agencia de Desarrollo de las Exportaciones del Caribe y miembros del equipo de UNESCO Transcultura, seleccionará un máximo de treinta y cuatro (34) jóvenes emprendedores caribeños, en función de su trayectoria e iniciativa/proyecto empresarial.

Los candidatos seleccionados serán notificados a más tardar el 18 de agosto de 2023.

Sírvase tener en cuenta que:

  • Sólo se tomarán en consideración las solicitudes totalmente cumplimentadas y se evaluará su idoneidad.
  • Una vez recibidas todas las solicitudes, el Comité podría solicitar información adicional. Se invita a los solicitantes a revisar regularmente sus bandejas de entrada, incluidas las de SPAM.
  • El Programa Transcultura de la UNESCO se reserva el derecho de utilizar la información de los solicitantes con el fin exclusivo de la implementación de la iniciativa, y preservando la confidencialidad.

¡Se alienta a todos los jóvenes emprendedores caribeños apasionados del sector de la artesanía a que aprovechen esta oportunidad de desarrollo personal y profesional!

For any inquiries related to this activity, please contact Remorno Hamilton – Competitiveness and Export Promotion consultant copying

UNESCO Transcultura calls for young Caribbean entrepreneurs in the handcraft field within the cultural and creative industries.

Call for an Entrepreneurship incubator: Export development and market opportunities in the handcraft sector.

**Context and purpose**

This call for applications is launched in the framework of Transcultura: Integrating Cuba, the Caribbean and the European Union through Culture and Creativity, a four-year Programme implemented by the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean with the support of the European Union.

 The overall purpose of the Programme is to deepen cultural integration in the Caribbean and to strengthen people-to-people cooperation and exchange within the region and with the European Union.  In particular, the Entrepreneurship and Incubator component aims to strengthen capacities for the development of new cultural projects, self-employment and start-up/scale-up activities. The innovative and entrepreneurial project development supported by the Programme will improve beneficiaries’ access to new knowledge, markets, management models and sources of funding.

In this context, the entrepreneurship incubator: Export development and market opportunities in the handcraft sector is an online incubator initiative which offers innovative framework for export development and increasing market opportunities. Through this initiative, creative and scalable project ideas within the handcraft sub-sector of the Cultural and Creative Industries and in their early stages of generation, will be able to strengthen their export promotion skills, new market entry opportunities and regional network building.

During this six-week program, from August 2023 to early September 2023, participants will engage in a variety of enriching activities designed to enhance Artisans entrepreneurial skills:

1. Online Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Course:

Over a period of six weeks, participants will enroll in a comprehensive online course covering essential topics such as:

  • Product and services ideation,
  • Pricing and marketing strategies,
  • Export readiness and market entry into new territories,
  • E-commerce,
  • Regional networking and market integration,
  • as well as pitching and fundraising techniques.

The course will be delivered online between August and early September 2023, with a total duration of eighteen (18) hours. Activities will be delivered every Thursday, three (3) hours each day.

2. One-on-One Online Mentoring with Expert Business Professionals:

Participants will have the invaluable opportunity to receive personalized guidance from experienced business professionals. Each participant will be paired with a dedicated mentor, who will provide expert advice and support tailored to their specific needs over a designated two-week period.

3. Online Trade Expo Event:

A highlight of the program will be a dynamic one-day online trade expo event. During this event, participants will have the platform to showcase their scaled-up product and service ideas to a targeted audience. They will deliver presentations that highlight the value and uniqueness of their offerings while also exploring potential new business opportunities that may arise from the event. By engaging in these activities, participants will gain valuable knowledge, receive personalized guidance, and will have the opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurial endeavors to a wider audience, ultimately empowering them to excel in their business ventures.

The incubator initiative is led by the Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA). Caribbean Export promotes trade and investment in the Caribbean region and supports the private sector. Caribbean Export focuses on increasing exports, attracting investment and creating jobs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Established in 1996, Caribbean Export helps businesses expand nationally, regionally and internationally by enhancing their capacity and competitiveness. Caribbean Export prioritises areas such as e-commerce, digitalisation, green energy and the transition to a green and blue economy. In addition, Caribbean Export supports non-tourism service providers and the creative industries to promote entrepreneurship and capitalise on opportunities.

**Who can apply**

To be considered for the UNESCO Transcultura entrepreneurship incubator, applicants must meet the following requirements:

1. Age: Applicants must be between 18 and 35 years old.

2. Geographical scope: Applicants must be citizens and permanent residents of any of the following 17 Caribbean countries within the Transcultura Programme’s geographical scope: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Monserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname or Trinidad and Tobago.

3. Professional requirements: young entrepreneurs with an early-stage business initiative /project within the handcraft field of the cultural and creative sector.

Thirty-four (34) participants will be selected from this call. Incubation activities will be broken down in groups by language: English, Spanish and French.

**Application Process**

Applicants should apply through this online application form to provide personal data, and information on their handcraft business and / or entrepreneurship initiative / project.

At the time of application, candidates will also be asked to provide the following supporting documents:

  1. Portfolio with evidence of work related to the handcraft field within the culture and creative industries sector.
  2. Digital copy of your ID or passport.

The deadline for submitting the applications is 31 July 2023, at 23:59 Paris time (UTC +2h)

**Selection Process **

  • Once all the applications are received, they will be subject to a rigorous selection process.
  • A Selection Committee, comprised of experienced professionals from Caribbean Export and members of the UNESCO Transcultura team, will select a maximum of thirty-four (34) young Caribbean entrepreneurs, based on their background and business initiative/project.

Successful applicants will be notified no later than 18 August 2023.

Please note that:

  • Only fully completed applications will be considered and evaluated for suitability.
  • Once all the applications are received, the Committee might request additional information. Applicants are invited to check their inboxes regularly, including SPAM boxes.
  • The UNESCO Transcultura Programme reserves the right to use the applicants´ information for the exclusive purpose of the implementation of the initiative and preserving confidentiality.

All passionate young Caribbean entrepreneurs within the handcraft sector are encouraged to seize this opportunity for personal and professional growth!

Consultancy: Institutional strengthening in Resource identification and mobilization

Description of Intervention

Since its inception, the primary source of funding for Caribbean Export has been the European Development Fund (EDF) provided by European Union (EU) to African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states. Over the years, the Agency has mobilized small amounts of funding support from development partners, such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Commonwealth Secretariat, the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), among others. However, the current funding streams are not sufficient to adequately address the development challenges facing the region across the three strategic pillars identified in Caribbean Export’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan (

Moreover, there has been a major shift in donor funding. Donors are transitioning from countries with improved macro income levels and are earmarking their support to programmatic areas that are aligned with their national priorities for development aid and/or to facilitate accountability. Caribbean Export is affected by these trends and will need to adopt a business model which utilizes a targeted and systematic funding mechanism; focuses on developing and maintaining private-sector partnerships, leveraging the expertise of the Agency, and building on a solid structure that effectively leverages resource mobilization. For this reason, it is important for Caribbean Export to develop and strengthen its capacities to identify and mobilize specific funding programmes from current development partners invested in the region and also harness the ability to ideate and grow private sector partnerships that allow for the sustainability of the Agency, and the projects and programmes that are implemented that support private sector development..

In this framework, the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) requests the Business ACP Technical Assistance (TA) to strengthen Caribbean Export’s capacities to:

  • Identify new engagement tools to identify and onboard new partners that enable Caribbean Export’s to implement programming within the region in consonance with its strategic objectives.
  • Ideate and launch a tactical strategy and internal mechanism to grow resource mobilization initiatives from within Caribbean Export, thus ensuring sustainability of the Agency and the initiatives developed.
  • Develop a value proposition and operational strategy that enables Caribbean Export to onboard private sector partners from within and outside the region to access funding to implement and/or augment trade/investment initiatives in the Caribbean region.


The general objective of the intervention is to contribute to the development of the private sector in the Caribbean region.

The specific objective of the intervention is to strengthen Caribbean Export’s capacities to mobilize resources and to ensure its sustainability and the implementation of key programmatic areas outlined in Caribbean Export’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan ( ). It is also expected that the intervention will contribute to building the capacities of the OACPS Regional Focal Points in the Caribbean Region to enable them implement key interventions that respond to the needs of the region at the time and have lasting effect in the continued development of the Caribbean.


To apply, please submit a CV to Alicia Castillo at with Charlotte Lyne in copy at no later than July 21, 2023.

Consultancy: Technical Support for Investment Conversion Related to the Caribbean Investment Forum

Relevant Background

The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in collaboration with the Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA), the Caribbean Development Bank along with other stakeholders, hosted the inaugural Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) in Trinidad and Tobago on 8-11 November 2022. The purpose of the CIF was to serve as an investment attraction platform, providing opportunities for delegates to make contacts, forge partnerships, deepen relationships and cooperate on various projects. The conference positioned the Caribbean as a prime destination for investment in areas leading to transformation and positive economic impact in the region. The CIF focused on four key sectors, namely, agriculture technology, green energy, transport and logistics and Information Communications Technology and digital business. A total of 535 persons from 46 countries representing 7 continents and regions attended the conference over the three days. A total of 452 persons, including 39 investors registered to participate in Business -to-Business meetings. From this number, 202 persons attended. Over the three days, 268 meetings were facilitated. A total of 23 projects were presented during the sessions that were well attended by qualified investors. 85% of survey respondents who attended the country pitches indicated that the sessions were useful in assisting them to discover new investment opportunities.

The hosting of the Forum aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Generate investment into priority sectors in the Caribbean;
  • Build partnerships with key business entities, that can be sustained over time;
  • Promote the Caribbean as a place for investment;
  • Showcase opportunities/areas for investment;
  • Showcase successful investment in the Caribbean;
  • Engage potential investors and financing institutions in discussing their interest and requirements for investing in the opportunities;
  • Pitch specific ventures to specific investors;
  • Raise the Caribbean’s profile in the global business community through the creation of links with media, journals, newsletters and key influencers and networks in that community ;
  • Work towards attaining the sustainable development goals focused on eliminating poverty, hunger and increasing good health and well-being, decent work, and economic growth; and
  • Forging strategic partnerships within the investment community.

The agency is now focused on working with regional Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) to follow up on the leads acquired as well as the convening of the second Caribbean Investment Forum scheduled for October 23-25, 2023, at the Atlantis Paradise Island in The Bahamas.


The general objective of this assignment is the development of packaged investment projects for the Investment Promotion Agencies of the beneficiary countries in the target sectors of renewable energy, agri-business and technology, transport and logistics and ICT/Digitalization of Business. Furthermore, the provision of investment facilitation support towards presenting the projects to qualified leads from the CIF in Trinidad and Tobago as well as the upcoming CIF 2023.

Required Documentation

The Applicant must submit technical and financial proposals in USD, together with the completed Applicant Declaration Form and the required forms noted in the RFP, to Ms. Tonya Cummins, Advisor- Investment Promotion at with a copy to Dr. Damie Sinanan, Manager, Competitiveness and Export Promotion at no later than 4:30 pm AST on July 14, 2023.

Consultancy: Development of Conference and Event Management Application for the Caribbean Investment Forum


The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in collaboration with the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the CARICOM Secretariat along with other stakeholders, will be hosting the 2nd annual Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) in The Bahamas in October 2023.

The hosting of the Forum will serve to:

  • Generate investment into priority sectors in the Caribbean;
  • Build partnerships with key business entities, that can be sustained over time;
  • Promote the Caribbean as a place for investment; Showcase opportunities/areas for investment;
  • Showcase successful investment in the Caribbean;
  • Engage potential investors and financing institutions in discussing their interest and requirements for investing in the opportunities;
  • Pitch specific ventures to specific investors;
  • Increase the Caribbean’s insertion into the global business community through the creation of links with journals, newsletters and key influencers and networks in that society; and
  • Work towards attaining the sustainable development goals focused on no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, life on land and partnerships.

Much like the inaugural CIF, the 2023 edition will feature the presentation of bankable investment opportunities in projects and sectors that are a priority for the region as it seeks to boost its transition to a GREEN-er and SMART-er economy with green investments. The priority sectors for this event are agribusiness (with a focus on AgTech), the green economy, including renewable energy and logistics & distribution, IT enabled services and transportation. The aim is to build on the successes of the first event by continuing the dialogue on the value proposition of the region in the priority sectors as well as between investors and business persons in the Caribbean.

To support the successful execution of the project and to realise project goals of attracting investment into the Caribbean, an investor lead generation firm is being sought to identify and confirm the participation of potential investors.


2.1 Overall Objective
The general objective of this assignment is the hosting of an investment conference that seeks to showcase to investors investment opportunities available in the Caribbean. Moreover, as a premier platform for business-to-business engagements, this event seeks to secure long-term partnerships from global players that will assist in sustaining the investment promotion effort of Caribbean Export.

2.2 Specific Objectives
Specifically, this assignment seeks to retain the services of a Conference Platform firm to provide access to a web-based conference management platform that is customized to meet the needs of the Caribbean Investment Forum scheduled for the Bahamas in October 2023.

2.3 Purpose of consultancy and expected results
A conference management platform with the following minimum features for the Caribbean Investment Forum:

  • Registration of minimum 600 attendees and related payment gateway that is globally recognized
  • Host meeting agenda; speakers images and profiles
  • Multiple language enablement (via closed-caption)
  • Attendee directory with ability to build-out individual profiles
  • Business match making, meeting scheduling and chat function
  • Onsite registrant badge printing (including equipment rental)
  • Download link to presentations and on-demand session viewing
  • Poll and feedback survey
  • Automated event reminders, prompts and push notifications
  • Automated data management and event analytics
  • Marketing and promotional opportunities (ability to receive display logos)
  • Mobile friendly

3. Required Documentation

The Applicant must submit technical and financial proposals in EUROS, together with the completed Applicant Declaration Form   to Mrs. Natasha Edwin- Walcott, Senior Advisor – Competitiveness and Export Promotion at and copied to Dr. Damie Sinanan, Manager, Competitiveness and Export Promotion at no later than 4:30 pm AST on Friday June 16, 2023.

Consultancy: Securing the Participation of Investor Leads for the Caribbean Investment Forum in The Bahamas

Relevant Background

The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in collaboration with the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, CARICOM along with other stakeholders, will be hosting the 2nd annual Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) in The Bahamas in October 2023.

The hosting of the Forum will serve to:

  • Generate investment into priority sectors in the Caribbean;
  • Build partnerships with key business entities, that can be sustained over time;
  • Promote the Caribbean as a place for investment;
  • Showcase opportunities/areas for investment;
  • Showcase successful investment in the Caribbean;
  • Engage potential investors and financing institutions in discussing their interest and requirements for investing in the opportunities;
  • Pitch specific ventures to specific investors;
  • Increase the Caribbean’s insertion into the global business community through the creation of links with journals, newsletters and key influencers and networks in that society; and
  • Work towards attaining the sustainable development goals focused on no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, life on land and partnerships.

Much like the inaugural CIF, the 2023 edition will feature the presentation of bankable investment opportunities in projects and sectors that are a priority for the region as it seeks to boost its transition to a GREEN-er and SMART-er economy with green investments. The priority sectors for this event are agribusiness (with a focus on AgTech), the green economy, including renewable energy and logistics & distribution, IT enabled services and transportation. The aim is to build on the successes of the first event by continuing the dialogue on the value proposition of the region in the priority sectors as well as between investors and business persons in the Caribbean.

To support the successful execution of the project and to realise project goals of attracting investment into the Caribbean, an investor lead generation firm is being sought to identify and confirm the participation of potential investors.

Overall Objective

The general objective of this assignment is the generation and confirmation of qualified investor leads and the scheduling of business meetings for the Caribbean Investment Forum in the Bahamas. This consultancy also seeks to secure long-term partnerships from global players that will assist in sustaining the investment promotion effort of Caribbean Export.

3. Requirements

3.1 Work Experience

  • Demonstrated experience in generating investor leads, pre-qualifying investors and securing the participation of potential investors in meetings and events to discuss investment opportunities (Please provide evidence of at least 2 investor lead generation exercises executed in the past 3 years);
  • Demonstrated experience in marketing and public relations, with a particular focus on location marketing and the use of social media to generate investor leads; and
  • Experience working in or with the Caribbean and specifically the investment promotion agencies of the region would be an asset.

3.2 Required Documentation

The Applicant must submit technical and financial proposals in EUROS, together with the completed Applicant Declaration Form  to  Mrs. Natasha Edwin- Walcott, Senior Advisor – Competitiveness and Export Promotion at with a copy to Dr. Damie Sinanan, Manager, Competitiveness and Export Promotion at no later than 4:30 pm AST on Friday May 12, 2023.

Consultancy Services: Content Writer in Spanish language

The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) is implementing the “Trade and Private Sector Component” of the Haiti-Dominican Republic Binational Cooperation Program, under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) of the European Union. The Haiti-Dominican Republic Value Chain Project is a component of this programme and focuses on improving the quality of goods produced in both countries and the competitiveness of enterprises, with special attention to the Cocoa/Chocolate; Essential Oils/Cosmetics; and Handicraft/Fashion/Accessories/Jewellery value chain.

A total of twenty-five (25) businesses in Haiti and the DR were identified, to be part of the Value Chain Project and an individual strategy/a detailed Action Plan was prepared for each, to improve its quality and international competitiveness, including possible collaborations with other international institutions.

Now that the programme is coming to an end, Caribbean Export wishes to highlight participating firms on the Caribbean Export blog and social media channels to raise awareness around the programme and its results and impact.


The overall objective of the Consultancy is to contract the services of a creative content writer to develop engaging articles that feature Binational Programme beneficiaries for the Caribbean Export blog.

Scope of Work

  1. A total of five (5) articles, 700-900 words each featuring the following beneficiaries:
    • CONACADO, Yamasá, Dominican Republic
    • Producciones PSI, Montenegro, Dominican Republic
    • Laboratorios MK, Santo Domingo Oeste, Dominican Republic
    • Laboratorios Capilo Español, Santo Domingo Oeste, Dominican Republic
    • Fatima Polanco Jewelry Designer, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  2. Photo Album with at least 15 high quality pictures (per feature/article).

Submission Deadline

All required documentation in article 8.3 ( full terms of reference) should be submitted by 4 p.m. AST, May 12th, 2023. All submissions should be sent to: Romily Thevenin at

Consultancy: Communications for the Caribbean Investment Forum in The Bahamas

1. Relevant Background

The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in collaboration with the European Union, the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and the CARICOM Secretariat will be hosting the Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) in The Bahamas in October 2023.

The hosting of the Forum will serve to:

  • Generate investment into priority sectors in the Caribbean;
  • Build partnerships with key business entities, that can be sustained over time;
  • Promote the Caribbean as a place for investment;
  • Showcase opportunities/areas for investment;
  • Showcase successful investment in the Caribbean;
  • Engage potential investors and financing institutions regarding their interest and requirements for investing in the opportunities;
  • Pitch specific ventures to specific investors;
  • Increase the Caribbean’s insertion into the global business community through the creation of links with journals, newsletters, key influencers and networks; and
  • Work towards attaining the sustainable development goals focused on no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, life on land and partnerships.

The focus for this event will be placed on presenting bankable investment opportunities in projects and sectors that are a priority for the region as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and seeks to fast track the transition to a GREEN-er and SMART-er economy.

Priority sectors will include agribusiness (with a focus on AgTech), IT enabled services (digitalizations/digital economy), the blue economy, the green economy (including renewable energy) and logistics and transportation, to name a few.

To support the effective implementation of this event an experienced marketing and communications agency is required to support the production of the Caribbean Investment Forum – Bahamas including the development of the communications strategy to support event participation.

2. Overall Objective

The overall objective of the Consultancy is to promote the Caribbean Investment Forum by raising the profile of the event in the international market through effective marketing and public relations.

3. Requirements

3.1 Work Experience

  • Demonstrated experience managing high-profile events including communications (Please provide some evidence of at least 3 events that have been executed in the past 8 years);
  • Demonstrated experience implementing event websites (Please provide some evidence of at least 3 events that have been executed in the past 8 years);
  • Demonstrated experience creating event materials;
  • Demonstrated experience in location marketing;
  • Experience working with and in the Caribbean would be an asset.

3.2 Required Documentation

  • The Applicant must submit technical and financial proposal together with the completed Applicant Declaration Form to Ms. JoEllen Laryea, Manager (Ag) – Partnerships, Advocacy and Reporting at and copied to no later than 9:00 am AST on May 11, 2023.

Invitation to participate in Caribbean Export Development Agency’s mission to Accra Ghana

The Caribbean Export Development Agency invites interested CARIFORUM SMEs to submit their applications to participate in a trade and investment mission to Accra Ghana scheduled for 5-9 June, 2023.


The objective of the mission will be to explore opportunities for trade, investment and cooperation between countries of the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) and Ghana.

Specifically, the mission will seek to:

  1. Identify potential partnerships for joint activities to promote trade and investment between CARIFORUM countries and Ghana
  2. Facilitate Business – to – Business meetings between CARIFORUM SMEs and private sector counterparts in Ghana in identified sectors.

The sectors of focus for this activity are:

  1. Renewable energy;
  2. Agriculture and Agriculture Technology (AgTech); and
  3. Information Communications Technology (ICT) including Financial Technology (Fintech).

To be considered for this mission, please download the full document below and complete the Expression of Interest by midday AST 12th April 2023. For answers to queries, email the team at africamission[@]