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Showcase of “Symbiosis” – a Binational Jewelry Collection
MSME Day 2023
ProNET Export Marketing – Guyana
Caribbean Investment Forum 2023
From October 23-25, 2023 the Caribbean Export Development Agency in collaboration with the Government of the Bahamas, the European Union, CARICOM Secretariat, and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) hosted the Caribbean Investment Forum.
The Caribbean Investment Forum is the marketplace and nerve center for sharing, learning, preparing and finalizing business and investment deals that support the regional transformation to A Bold New Caribbean. It aims to accelerate the closure of the Caribbean’s investment gaps, and ultimately transform the region’s economy. At CIF 2023 the goal is simple….
- Attract investment into the priority sectors that can fast-track the Caribbean’s transition to a greener and smarter economy.
- Raise the visibility of the Caribbean as an investment destination.
- Bring together the investment community to engage with business and create business.
Sustainable Tourism Trade and Investment Opportunities in CARIFORUM
Enhancing Competitiveness through Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Key Considerations for Caribbean Cocoa, Coffee and Tea Producers
Export to the UK: A Complete Guide for Spirit Drink Producers in the Bahamas
Presentation of COLEAD : programmes, services and activities in the Caribbean region
Fit For Market+ (FFM+) provides support to the horticultural sector in member countries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) to improve the capacity of smallholders, farmer groups and horticultural MSMEs to access domestic, regional and international markets through the progressive sustainable intensification of the horticultural sector, while adapting to changes in their operating environment due to Covid-19 and climate change.
The webinar is targeted at Agriculture/Horticulture MSMEs to learn more about the FFM+ programme.
FFM+ is a program implemented by COLEAD within the framework of Development Cooperation between the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, and the European Union.
Register Now
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
- Welcome and Introduction
- Presentation of the COLEAD organization and activities
- Presentations by Caribbean Stakeholders
- Q&A and exchange of views on the main difficulties encountered in the fruit and vegetable sector of the Caribbean and in meeting market requirements.
- Thanks and Closing Remarks