Hoe kurkuma een bekroonde start-up voortbracht en levens verandert in Belize.

Toen Umeeda Switlo in 2014 Belize bezocht in opdracht van een internationale NGO, werd ze meteen verliefd op het Midden-Amerikaanse land, de mensen en een gouden, prikkelende wortelkruid.

Het was de mooiste kurkuma die ik ooit in mijn leven had gezien, herinnerde ze zich. Het was enorm groot en oranjeachtig van kleur.

En toen ze de hand schudde van een van de oude Indiase kurkumatelers, voelde ze zich geïnspireerd, vastbesloten om hem en andere telers te helpen de band met hun cultuur te herstellen.

Kurkuma, het hoofdbestanddeel van kerrie, werd meer dan 200 jaar geleden in Belize geïntroduceerd toen contractarbeiders uit India in het land aankwamen.

Vereerd om zijn geneeskrachtige eigenschappen, is kurkuma ook diep geworteld in de cultuur van Umeeda. Umeeda, geboren in Oeganda als kind van een renaissancevrouw, herinnert zich dat haar moeder, Lella (alias Mamajee), in auto’s racete, haar eigen Montessori runde en een gemene curry kookte. Zij ontvluchtten het door oorlog verscheurde land in de jaren zeventig en kwamen in Canada aan met niets meer dan een koffer en herinneringen.

Mamajee heeft in de keuken een band opgebouwd met haar dochter Umeeda, en uiteindelijk met haar kleindochter Nareena, door verhalen van thuis te delen en hen traditionele recepten te leren. Ze gebruikte deze epicuristische sessies ook om een sterk gevoel van sociale verantwoordelijkheid bij te brengen, waardoor Umeeda en Nareena vaak stilstonden als ze vroeg wat ze zouden doen om de wereld beter te maken.

Ze vonden het antwoord tijdens Udeema’s bezoek in 2014 aan Belize, waar een perfect huwelijk van geschiedenis, traditie en moeder-natuur een bekroonde sociale onderneming opleverde die boeren zou ondersteunen om extra inkomen te verdienen, jongeren in dienst te nemen, de gezondheid te verbeteren en producten duurzaam te produceren.

Hun onderneming, Naledo Belize, combineert Nareena’s naam met Toledo, het district in Belize waar de kurkuma vandaan komt. Het bedrijf koopt kurkuma rechtstreeks van lokale boeren en gebruikt het om Truly Turmeric te maken, ‘s werelds eerste in het wild gemaakte kurkumapasta met hele wortels.

Het is maar kurkuma, zult u zeggen. Maar vergis je niet, de missie van Naledo, hun eindproduct en het sociale element dat wordt gebruikt om het te produceren zijn transformerend. Het bedrijf is genomineerd voor een SIAL Paris 2018 Product Innovation award, een erkenning voor degenen die helpen vorm te geven aan wat we vandaag en morgen eten.

De prijzen worden gehouden in Parijs tijdens ‘s werelds grootste beurs voor voedselinnovatie, van 21 tot 25 oktober 2018.

Zaken op gang brengen

Wat is er nodig om een innovatieve, sociaal bewuste, duurzame, bekroonde start-up te creëren?

Er waren een paar dingen die ik moest overwinnen, het eerste was de angst voor mezelf, vertelde Umeeda. Ik was ook een nieuw product aan het maken. Niemand in de wereld had dit ooit eerder gedaan, dus er was geen voorbeeld voor mij om te volgen. En ik deed het in een vreemd land.

Umeeda herinnerde ook aan vroegere ondernemersprojecten. Eigen baas zijn is een uitdaging, zei ze. En ze wist niet zeker of ze het nog een keer wilde doen. Maar ze werd aangemoedigd door de jonge, aspirant-ondernemers in Belize en door de belangstelling en passie van haar dochter voor sociaal ondernemerschap.

Het idee van een moeder/dochter team heeft me echt overtuigd, zei Umeeda. Zij heeft vaardigheden die ik niet heb, en ik heb vaardigheden die zij niet heeft. Dus, het voelde als een goed team.

Umeeda heeft een zeer diverse ondernemersachtergrond die varieert van het bezitten en exploiteren van een groot kinderdagverblijf tot het managen van muzikanten en het bouwen van een Rock n Roll-gelegenheid.

Moeder en dochter hebben ook beiden ervaring in internationale ontwikkeling. Nareena beschikt over een schat aan kennis in de non-profitsector, waar ze werkte als directeur fondsenwerving; maar Naledo is haar eerste onderneming, en ze geeft toe dat het starten van een bedrijf een enorme leercurve is geweest.

Ik herinner me dat ik naar vergaderingen ging met distributeurs, en alle acroniemen opschreef. Ze hadden zoiets van wat is je SRP? En ik zou naar de badkamer gaan met mijn telefoon om te googelen wat SRP is, zei ze. Ik probeerde voortdurend een evenwicht te vinden tussen eerlijk willen zijn en zeggen, ik weet niet zeker wat dat betekent, versus te naïef klinken en mijn onderhandelingsvermogen verliezen.

Ook op persoonlijk vlak waren er uitdagingen in overvloed. Nareena vertelt dat haar relatie de ontberingen van het ondernemerschap niet overleefde.

Ik had een partner, een vriend waarmee ik samenwoonde, en hij vond het niet leuk wat ik deed. Hij dacht dat ik dom was om dit te doen, zei ze. Ik weet nog dat ik mijn eerste visitekaartjes liet drukken; hij zei dat je jezelf geen COO mag noemen. Je bent de COO van niets op dit moment. We zijn niet meer samen.

Maar ondanks de vele obstakels die ze tegenkwamen, hielden Nareena en Umeeda hun ogen op de prijs gericht. Ze bleven gericht op hun missie en toegewijd aan het vervullen van Mamajee’s wens om doelgericht te leven en positief bij te dragen aan het leven van anderen.

Naledo is in 2015 begonnen met productontwikkeling. Om meer bekendheid te krijgen, besloten ze af te zien van de boerenmarkt en in plaats daarvan te lanceren op een vakbeurs in mei 2016 in Vancouver, Canada, waar zowel inkopers als distributeurs en makelaars aanwezig zouden zijn. Hun opstelling was eenvoudig, slechts 50 gelabelde potten en een paar monsters. Maar de respons was overweldigend. Naledo viel op bij een nationale distributeur die geloofde in hun sociale ondernemingsmodel en hen hielp groeien van nul winkels in 2016 naar 600 winkels in heel Canada, van kust tot kust. Het bedrijf exporteert nu ook naar de Bahama’s, heeft al een overeenkomst gesloten voor de VS en bereidt zich voor op export naar Europa.

Het valt niet te ontkennen dat ze een uitstekend product maken, maar het succes van Naledo is ook grotendeels te danken aan de manier waarop ze zaken doen. Jongerenondernemerschap, regeneratieve landbouw en duurzaamheid staan aan de basis van het bedrijf.

De menselijke kant van ons succes is waar ik het meest trots op ben, de impact die de productie van dit product heeft gehad op de telers met wie we samenwerken, mensen die kunnen sparen voor de opleiding van hun kinderen, huizen kunnen renoveren, op reis kunnen gaan, aldus Nareena. We zien meer mensen, vooral jongeren, die trots zeggen dat ik kurkuma kweek, in plaats van landbouw te zien als iets dat arme mensen doen.

Met uitmuntendheid komt erkenning

Naledo Belize kan hun nominatie voor een SIAL Paris award toevoegen aan een groeiende lijst van wereldwijde erkenning, waaronder een innovatieprijs van de regering van Belize, een van Canada’s top 10 voedselbedrijven om in 2018 in de gaten te houden, en een plek in seizoen 13 van het populaire tv-programma Dragon’s Den.

Op SIAL zullen tienduizenden belanghebbenden uit de voedings- en drankenindustrie de kans krijgen om Naledo’s Simply Turmeric pasta te proeven, die te zien zal zijn op de stand van de Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export). Het regionale agentschap voor handels- en investeringsbevordering ondersteunt Cariforum-bedrijven bij hun exportontwikkeling en zal op de tentoonstelling 12 regionale bedrijven presenteren. Caribbean Cure, een theebedrijf uit Trinidad dat deel zal uitmaken van de Caribbean Export tentoonstelling, is ook een genomineerde voor SIAL.

Dat twee regionale start-ups op de SIAL shortlist zijn gekomen is een geweldige prestatie, en volgens Umeeda is dat de verdienste van Caribbean Export.

Een organisatie hebben die gelooft dat het Caribisch gebied de wereld iets te bieden heeft, dat is heel belangrijk. Wat zij bieden op het gebied van toegang tot kennis en financiering heeft me gewoon versteld doen staan, aldus Umeeda. Ik kan niet genoeg benadrukken hoe ondersteunend dat is.

Naledo Belize hoopt in 2019 in Europa op de markt te komen. Umeeda en Nareena benadrukten beiden dat dit mogelijk is dankzij Caribbean Export.

Advies voor toekomstige ondernemers

Naledo’s reis van Belize, naar Canada, het Caribisch gebied, Amerika en binnenkort Europa, is zwaar bevochten en gevuld met slapeloze nachten. Maar dat is nu eenmaal waar ondernemerschap om draait, deelde Umeeda mee. Zij en Nareena dachten na over de talloze nachten die zij om drie uur ‘s nachts wakker lagen, piekerend, probleemoplossend en de volgende stappen overdenkend, de talloze keren dat de stem van de twijfel hen ertoe aanzette het voor gezien te houden. Maar telkens als die twijfels opdoken, vonden de twee hun wil om door te gaan in een getal van 350, het aantal telers in Belize waarmee zij samenwerken.

Ik denk aan hen niet teleurstellen, aan het geweldige jeugdteam waarmee we in onze verwerkingsfabriek werken, aan mijn grootmoeder trots maken, en aan alle andere mensen in mijn leven die me moed hebben gegeven en me hebben laten zien dat je door tegenslagen heen veerkrachtig moet zijn, aldus Nareena. Dus misschien slaap ik wat extra uit op die ochtenden dat ik pas na 3 uur in bed lag, en ik blijf gewoon doorgaan.

Nareena smeekte ook collega-ondernemers, en degenen die op weg zijn naar het ondernemerschap, zich te omringen met gelijkgestemden. Marketing en sociale media zijn gericht op perfectie, maar onder dit alles zit enorm veel werk, toewijding en zelfopoffering. Het is van vitaal belang deze strijd te delen met lotgenoten die het begrijpen.

Het geeft je een goed gevoel, zei ze. Je beseft dat ik het niet alleen ben. Ik ben oké.

En wees doof voor de nee-zeggers die ze adviseerde.

Als hun kritiek over uw product of uw dienst gaat, luister dan eens, want in die negativiteit zit misschien een kans op verbetering. Maar als ze negatief zijn over je passie, wie je bent en waar je in gelooft, zeg dan dat ze moeten ophoepelen!

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT NALEDO BELIZE: Facebook – Naledo Belize; Instagram – @ truly.turmeric; en door een bezoek aan hun website www.naledo.com.

Hoe traditie innovatie inspireerde en een missie om het Caribisch gebied te genezen

For generations, Caribbean grandmothers have steeped and brewed indigenous herbs, roots and even bush, convinced of their ability to cure just about any ailment.  When two young entrepreneurs in the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago decided to pay homage to this tradition, not even in their wildest dreams did they imagine that their earthy concoctions would be dubbed among the world’s most innovative foods.

Caribbean Cure, an award-winning tea company, draws from tradition to promote more naturally healthy lifestyles among those who sip their infusions.  The company is one of only two in the Region to be shortlisted for a SIAL Paris 2018 Product Innovation award, which recognises those who help shape what we eat today, and tomorrow.  They earned the selection for their indigenous ingredients, packaging, branding and the taste of their five infusions.

The awards will be held in Paris during the world’s largest food innovation exhibition, from October 21-25, 2018, and attended by tens of thousands of food and beverage industry stakeholders.  It’s an amazing opportunity for Sophia Stone and Stacy Seeterram, the owners of Caribbean Cure.  The company will receive immeasurable exposure from the shortlisting alone.

But getting to this point has not been without sacrifice and the determination to persevere despite numerous obstacles.  After all, the mark of success is not the absence of failures, but choosing to press on in spite of them, relentlessly seeking ways to make the dream a reality.


Passionate about using nature to promote health and wellness, Stone founded the company in 2015.

“I wanted to honour our long history in the Caribbean of using herbs and bush teas,” she said.  “And backed by science, my goal was to make these healing remedies more efficacious, convenient and attractive to today’s consumer.”

What began as a small experiment quickly became an obsession.  Consumed with ideas by the million, Stone was constantly in conversations with herself about how she could execute them, and also bombarded with reasons why they wouldn’t work.  But in spite of how impossible her dreams seemed, she could not shake them, and after months of agonising over the decision, she resigned her 9 to 5 for the full-time pursuit of her dream.

Success was not forthcoming with her initial line of eight supplements, and after depleting her savings, Stone was faced with two very clear choices, pack it all in and quit “dreaming”; or, find another way to make the dream work.  Like any true entrepreneur, she chose the latter.

It was a choice made entirely on her own belief in her dream, because, as Sophia recalled, everyone, including family and close friends, with whom she shared an idea of making tea blends with the ingredients used in the supplements, thought it was a bad idea.  They encouraged her to either try to make the supplements work, or close shop and find a “real” job.


“I decided in that moment that I needed a partner who could help me and who would share my passion and vision for the company,” Stone said.  I didn’t want an investor.  I wanted a partner who would bring value and strength where I needed it most.”

She turned to the sole friend who embraced the vision.  A tea enthusiast in her own right, Seeterram had already invested hours listening to Stone share about the ups and downs of her journey and had become somewhat of a confidant.

“She was always very encouraging,” Stone said.  “She has her own herb garden and would always experiment with me on weekends in the kitchen with the latest healing herb she managed to harvest.  I knew Stacy would be the ideal partner…I knew in my heart that she was exactly who I wanted to continue the journey with,” Stone shared.

She credits the partnership for the success Caribbean Cure has garnered over the past year.

Seeterram, a former health management executive with over six years’ experience at the national level,  joined the company in March 2017, and the mutual respect and admiration she shares for Stone is evident in the way she speaks about the partner she refers to simply as “Soph”.

“I am now, and always have been awed by who she is.  Her work ethic impresses me at least once every week,” Seeterram said.  “She is also very innovative and purposeful in her mission that our company is so much more than an entity that will generate revenue.”

Contemplating these things, Seeterram said she felt a purposeful paradigm shift, one that could offer an opportunity for her to be a part of something less corporate, more interesting, more rewarding, and more impactful.

“It’s the feeling that comes from creating something from point A to Z,” she said.  “And I felt like that was exactly what I needed.”


In mere months, Seeterram and Stone created five tea blends, and won the approval of family and friends who indulged in their curative, feel-good concoctions, but Caribbean Cure’s official recognition as producers of world class teas was cemented when they won bronze medals at the internationally recognised Global Tea Championships, hosted by the World Tea Expo in Colorado, for their Tropical Relaxation blend in November, 2017, and again for Island Breeze in January, 2018.

The SIAL shortlisting is their most recent, and biggest nod from the international community.

The secret is in the process, said Seeterram.  The tea leaves are slow-dried to maximise nutrient content.  Each blend is also a delicate balance, formulated to “create a memorable and unique experience in every cup,” she said.

There is also a little bit of history brewed in each cup of Caribbean Cure tea.  Island Breeze, a delicate blend that includes cardamom pods and white tea, is a tribute to Stone’s Afghan/Canadian heritage, and borrows from one of her family recipes; while Carnival Oasis with its inclusion of mauby bark, cinnamon and clove, transports Stacy – a Trinidadian, with roots woven throughout the West Indies – back to her childhood as it conjures  memories of her grandmother’s “magical” blends.

“We try not to worry about being successful,” Seeterram shared.  “What we do is work toward being significant.  And from this, success seems to have naturally followed us.”


For any entrepreneur, a key success factor rests in the ability to maintain some emotional detachment from the business and product in order to make the difficult decisions necessary for brand development.  Stone and Seeterram discussed this from the get go.  If ever necessary, they would, no matter how difficult, have the courage to make the changes that would support growth.

Glass jars beautifully showcased the tea infusions they dedicated years to formulating.  This packaging was therefore foundational to Caribbean Cure’s conceptualisation.  But when opportunity knocked, with a chance to export to Canada and Japan, these jars, because of their weight, became impractical.  The partners therefore had to pivot to grasp the pending export opportunities.

In July 2018, Caribbean Cure, unveiled their new packaging, beautiful tea tins, adorned with designs created by a local artist.


“I am sure that someone could write an entire book on the struggles female entrepreneurs face…I think for me, the mental load of being a mother, and a dedicated entrepreneur is the biggest struggle I face,” Stone shared.  “Trying to balance my home and business life is a difficult task, and I think society tends to expect female entrepreneurs to do it all, successfully!”

The pair admit to experiencing both chauvinism and ageism, particularly when trying to pitch business ideas and close deals in male dominated settings.  But they remain focused on the silver lining in the ever looming cloud of gender inequality.

On the flip side, Seeterram said, “I must confess; we’ve gotten so many blessings because of our gender.  A good example is Caribbean Export’s WE-XPORT programme.  One of the reasons we qualified is because we are 100 percent female-owned.”

The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export), a Regional trade and investment promotion agency supporting CARIFORUM firms with development for export, launched its Women Empowered Through Export (WE-XPORT) programme in March, 2018.  The European Union, fund the programme and is supported by UN-Women and the Caribbean Development Bank, providing mentoring, training and numerous resources to Caribbean women in business to facilitate export or increase the export of their products and services.

Twenty businesses, all women-owned and operated, comprise the first cohort enrolled in the programme and are due to complete next year after a Women’s Business to Business Forum.

“They have supported us in our vision and given us many opportunities internationally to expose our brand that we may not have otherwise had,” Stone said of Caribbean Export and WE-XPORT.  They’ve have been absolutely invaluable resources, but they also encourage stick-to-itiveness, she shared.  “Caribbean Export, for example, is like a buoy in deep water, there for you when you’ve been swimming too long and hard, and you need a break.”


As they reflect on a journey that has not been without immense challenges, Stone and Seeterram share some seeds of inspiration with fellow, and aspiring entrepreneurs.

“Do not fear mistakes,” Stone advised.  “Regrets are far more difficult to deal with than mistakes.  You walk away from a mistake having learned something, but a regret is a missed opportunity. Even if it seems beyond your reach, try. You will amaze yourself with what you are capable of.”

Finally, the partners stress that slow and steady wins the race.  Developing a business is a marathon.  So it’s not about speed.  It’s all about endurance.

“There will be lots of tears,” Seeterram said.  “But the moments of pride when it all comes together are priceless.” 

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CARIBBEAN CURE: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn – @caribbeancure and by visiting their website www.caribbean-cure.com. 

Pionier op de exportmarkt

In the 1980’s, a professional food scientist with experience in dietetics, nutrition and food research development positioned her Jamaica-based company as an export-driven operation. Considered a pioneer in her field, Dr. Juliette Newell started what has grown to become one of the local leaders in the manufacturing and distribution of Jamaican products in the overseas markets. Today, Tijule Company Limited is managed by Dr. Newell’s nephew Roy Newell, who took over the business after her passing.

With 65 full time employees, and occupying over two acres of prime commercial land, the 30-year old company produces an exceptional line of products, which includes canned and frozen fruits and vegetables, flavourful sauces, seasonings, dips and condiments, exotic and gourmet jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit bars and bammies (cassava bread). Tujule also manufactures sauces and other products to customers’ specifications and tastes.

According to Roy, the Managing Director of Tijule, opening the company was a dream come true for Dr. Newell.

“My aunt had a PhD in Nutrition so food was her passion. She has also wanted to always take a taste of Jamaica to the rest of the world.”

Dr. Newell succeeded in doing just that as 80% of the company’s output is exported directly to the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, China, India, Japan, and the balance sold to other regional exporters and locally.

Roy noted that because of the market they are in, all companies that produce jams, jellies, and other condiments in Jamaica are their competitors; but his aunt never saw this as a challenge. He revealed that Dr. Newell’s biggest hurdle came in securing capital for her business.

“The 1980s was a difficult period, especially for a woman. Banks saw women as high risks and they were not too willing to give loans unless men were on the Board of Directors. As a woman in business, my aunt had to get a lawyer to verify that she was of sound mind and could manage a business.”

Roy added however that determination was what pulled her through, as interest rates at that time were very high, but she has a goal in mind and would not be deterred.

Since taking over the business, Roy has himself had some challenges noting that understanding how to run the business was the greatest one, but after completing an audit of the operations he feels more confident in his ability to carry on his aunt’s legacy.

The former electronics engineer believes that a large part of the company’s success is owed to his aunt’s insistence of comprehensive market research for the identification of markets and customers.

“This really gave the company a jump start in exports and helped us find our niche, which is catering to the Jamaican Diaspora in the US and the UK. We have also decided to focus more on our brand and ramp up the visibility of our company.”

With this new branding and marketing focus, Tijule has become increasing involved in in-market demonstrations, trade shows and study tours. Roy shared that most of the opportunities were made possible through the Caribbean Export Development Agency.

“We became aware of Caribbean Export in 2007 through the Jamaica Exporter’s Association (JEA). The Agency has since helped us with the development of new labels and modification of the old ones, the acquisition of quality management standards, streamlining and marketing and promotional systems, conducting market research, and upgrading our infrastructure. All of this was achieved through the grant scheme and through technical assistance.”

Read the full article in Primed for Success Vol. 3

Een wereldwijd merk brouwen

The Caribbean has a long history of coffee production, especially on islands with high mountainous regions and cool climates. Though they are outpaced in modern times by vast coffee plantations in South America, Caribbean countries have unique soils and growing conditions that contribute to some of the most popular coffee varieties sold in the global market. One of those highly sought-after selections is the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.

Known for its superior taste, medium body, and low acidity, the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has grown to become a significant contributor to the local economy, especially small farming communities and coffee distributors, as is the case for Country Traders Limited. Established in 1992, Country Traders set out to be the roasters, packers and distributors of the world’s finest coffee.

Managing Director, Mark Fletcher, started out as a supplier for other brands, before deciding to distribute his own. Since then, the husband and father of two has amassed more than 30 years experience in the coffee business, and his love for the job and the product he sells is what keeps him going.

“After leaving school, I started distributing pickles, sauces and other condiments, in the hotel industry and tourist trade,” Mark shared. “It was there that I started distributing a brand of coffee and saw the potential for it as business.”

Today the company has 15 persons employed across several areas of production. The 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee accounts for half of Country Traders’ business value, but they also produce another blue mount blend and an authentic Jamaica blend, which is a combination of low mountain coffee and imported blends for distribution.

On the local end, the company’s clients include all major supermarkets, gift shops, and some hotels and restaurants. In the export market, Country Traders mainly supplies small distributors and wholesalers, as well as retail through the company’s website. These include the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and China.

“China is our newest and fastest growing market. The middle class Chinese customers are known for their top quality products whether it’s cars, clothing, or coffee, and the Blue Mountain Coffee brand is one of those quality products. There are also quite a bit of Chinese living in Jamaica, and they have been instrumental in introducing the product over there, which has resulted in steady growth.”

Currently 20% of the company’s clients exist in the export market. Their export strategy is focused on partnering with small and specialised distributors.

“With high-end coffee, freshness is the key – the fresher, the better. These small distributors are more direct, and the product can get to the customer quicker.”

Mark admits that the company has come a long way in terms of its growth and profitability. He believes however that much of their success comes from finding their niche early.

“When we first started, finance was a major challenge. The business had to build from profits because at that time, and even now, interest rates in Jamaica were extremely high. But we realized the value of customer relations, it wasn’t really so much the brand that was driving our success, but more so the strong relationship developed with the customer”.

Another formidable relationship that the company has developed is with the Caribbean Export Development Agency. In 2012, Country Traders applied for a Direct Assistance Grant to prepare their facility for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification.

‘We used the grant to make all the necessary structural changes and food safety requirements we needed in order to gain certification and now we are certified.”

The company also participated in the ANUGA, the world’s largest food and beverage trade fair, in 2013.

“ANUGA was an opportunity to showcase our products to thousands of buyers from hundreds of countries all over the world. As a part of the Caribbean Kitchen pavilion, we also established valuable contacts with other regional exhibitors.”

Mark credits Caribbean Export as having played a central, albeit indirect, role in the company’s success.

“Without the Agency we wouldn’t have attempted HACCP certification, because the cost associated with the process would have been a challenge for us. We also believe that Caribbean Export contributed to our overall export growth due to the certification we received, leading us to be more streamlined and efficient in our overall production.”

Read the full article in Primed for Success Vol. 3

Een geanimeerde case study van de creatieve economie

Full Circle Animation Studio was recently contracted by Big Jump Entertainment in Ottawa Canada to produce the animation for season three of ‘Animals,’ an HBO TV series featuring performances from the likes of RuPaul, Aziz Ansari, Wanda Sykes, Raven-Symoné, Usher, among others. Considered to be one of the funniest, most idiosyncratic shows on television, an in-house team of 12 people (9 animators, one animation supervisor, one project coordinator, and one project manager) worked tirelessly between December 2017 and May 2018 at the studio located in Trincity, Trinidad. “This show had a very unique and distinctive style of design and animation. It looks simple and minimalist but it required us to transmit a lot of emotion through the characters using very limited animation movement. Going in, we had otherwise underestimated how challenging that could be while keeping the provocative edge that really defines the style of the show. In that regard, it was a new technical experience for us” said Managing Director Jason Lindsay.

This is the first time that an animation studio in Trinidad or throughout the Caribbean has been contracted from an international studio for a full season of a TV show on a major network. Still only a modestly sized studio by international outsourcing standards, this opportunity has provided the company with financial sustainability and a platform for growth technical/creative capacity building. “For a young animation industry like ours here in Trinidad, the main long-term benefit of an opportunity like this is the investment in our human resource. The experience and technical/creative insight gained from our animators working with an experienced production studio like Big Jump Entertainment is invaluable. The entire team benefited from it tremendously” further stated Lindsay.

This achievement however has not been Full Circle’s first endeavor doing outsourcing work for a major network. The company has also worked on productions in smaller quantities broadcasted on The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Universal Studios, DreamWorks TV and RAI.  Projects like this and other overseas productions outsourced to Full Circle puts the company in a position where over the last 3 years, over 50% of its income has been from foreign exchange revenue, with this most recent project catapulting its export earnings for the first half of 2018 to over ninety percent of its income during that period – a very unique positon for any small business in general to be in but a major achievement for the studio and the industry as a whole. Managing Director Lindsay is careful to point out the role that regional collaboration across the Caribbean has played in various capacities in getting the studio to this point in its growth.  He explained that the scale and timing of some of the projects, coupled with the diverse skillsets needed often requires Caribbean animation companies to collaborate to deliver.

A background illustration from the CARICOM mini-series Pepperpot Valley overlaid with the network of regional relationships relied on to produce it. Parts of this same network are used to produce other regional animation projects done by Full Circle. “On our very first outsourcing job, we collaborated with animation studios in Barbados and Jamaica. Since then, it’s not uncommon for us to work with animation studios in St. Lucia, Barbados and Jamaica for international outsourcing clients. We’ve collaborated on projects with Malfinis Productions in St. Lucia, Alycone Animation and Skyres in Jamaica and Westoonz and BIMAP in Barbados. We’ve also developed working relationships with a network of recording studios, casting directors and voice actors in Grenada, Belize, Suriname, Dominica, and Guyana for projects based on Caribbean content like the CARICOM mini-series Pepperpot Valley. The regional animation industry is still relatively young in the Caribbean. In that respect, a single animation project for either a feature film or a TV series requires a workforce with a diverse creative/technical skillset that can exceed the capacity of any one Caribbean nation. Fortunately, for a digital media industry like animation, location is not a challenge – but training is.”

Along with local support agencies that support services export, Regional organisations like the CARICOM Secretariat, the Inter-America Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, the European Commission and UNDP OECS have given Full Circle Animation tremendous support in their development over the years. The Company has also benefited indirectly from the investment that CARIBBEAN EXPORT has given towards supporting the region.

This is a historic accomplishment for the Full Circle and development of the digital economy in the Caribbean as a whole. One that exemplifies how the Governments, NGOs and the education sector and enterprise can work hand in hand to achieve and change the landscape of theeconomy.  Under the leadership of MD Lindsay, a creative business mind was brought into a creative space and out of it spawned a business model that is unique and applicable to the unique creative economy. Below the surface of this model is the seamless education thread that few are aware of and appreciate.  Students from the YTEPP Animation Retraining Programme, went on to complete the UTT Diploma in Animation programme and now ninety percent of the workforce are part of that thread that makes up the studio.  They have become an indispensable resource for the success of this industry.

This is a great example of success in the creative sector and the function of seamless education in a region of small islands that depend on foreign exchange. Animation is now heavily featured on the curriculum in regional training institutes. Programme coordinator for animation studies at the University of Trinidad and Tobago Camille Selvon Abrahams reminds us “Ninety percent of the young staff at Full Circle Animation Studio are UTT animation alumni. The current animation supervisor is a past student Mindy Bailey and most of the lead team are past students of UTT animation programme. Regionally this can be replicated as a model for our unique economic landscape. Led by a tried and tested managing director Jason Lindsay, this is an example to the Caribbean and world that perseverance pays off and we can create our future if CARICOM governments, education institutions and small businesses work in tandem”

Season 3 of the HBO animated series ANIMALS will premiere on August 3rd at 11:30pm. (PR)

Kreyòl Essence: het luxe schoonheidsproduct dat het beeld van Haïti verandert

Haiti is still recovering from a devastating earthquake which occurred in January 2010 and killed almost 150,000 people. The natural disaster left hundreds of thousands reliant on foreign aid and charity and set back economic development for decades. Entrepreneur and social activist Yve-Car Momperousse was on the verge of launching her beauty business when the quake hit, she immediately put her dreams on hold and set about raising relief funds. Three years later she finally got Kreyòl Essence up and running and now she’s using her company to empower Haitian people and provide a means by which they can help themselves.

Yve-Car Momperousse began researching plans for a Haiti-based beauty business in 2009 but her progress was sadly cut short just a few months later when that Caribbean country was left reeling by one of the world’s worst ever natural disasters.

Ms Momperousse stopped everything to provide assistance including raising $500,000 (US) dollars in cash and supplies to put towards immediate humanitarian efforts, and it would be over a year and a half after the quake before she returned to her business idea.

“My mother in her wisdom said, ‘I know you’ve been concentrating on relief but that’s not sustainable. When the cameras are gone, and there’s no longer a focus on Haiti because of the tragedy, people will still need to work’. So because of that I started to look again at the business.”

Kreyòl Essence was officially launched in 2013 and its winning formula of sustainable social impact alongside 100 per cent natural products has seen it develop over the past four years into a trusted beauty supplier. Described as ‘natural with a purpose’, the company has tapped into the growing desire among consumers for businesses to create ethical offerings while also espousing a positive message and making a real difference.

Ms Momperousse explains: “The company cemented my love for beauty products as well as social impact. When we plant castor seeds it helps with the environment – soil erosion, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and we provide work primarily for women, so the company is truly women led and run. And by selling a luxury beauty product we hope to change the image and discourse coming out of Haiti.”

Now Kreyòl Essence is fast approaching its goal of selling over 40,000 Haitian Black Castor Oil bottles in one year after partnering with powerhouse group Whole Foods Market which has seen its products sold in hundreds of stores across the US and Canada, and soon it will also be available in the UK.

Ms Momperousse secured the deal with Whole Foods after “knocking on doors” and admits that she never thought her business would be working with such a substantial industry player so soon after launching.

She says: “I went into stores and did demos on our product line to make sure buyers had an experience with the product and understood our story. Initially we started selling in about six stores and that grew to 52 in three months and six months after that we’re doing 250 stores, and soon we’ll be in 450.”

Ms Momperousse estimates that the Whole Foods deal will help Kreyòl Essence’s sales grow by 50 – 60 per cent and lead to significant scaling up of production which will enable the company to sustain jobs for 50 female production staff and 300 Haitian farmers. “I like to say that the social impact drives my focus on sales because none of the social impact can happen if we are not a financially healthy company”, she states. “So I have to focus on profit margins and I would like sales to reach, in the next five to eight years, the $10 million (US) dollar mark to cement the seriousness of the company”.

So what has been the secret to Ms Momperousse’s success so far?

“You need the right type of environment in order to thrive. So you need people who are like-minded, driven and understand how to support you as a business owner. You also need family to support you as an individual because being an entrepreneur is mentally, as well as physically, taxing. Persistence is key because you cannot take no for an answer, and you need to believe that there is always an answer to whatever you are trying to figure out, so do not stop.”

Ms Momperousse was named the Caribbean Export Development Agency’s ‘Female Exporter of the Year’ in December 2016 and she’s hoping to use the award to get more attention for her business. She adds: “I applied because I wanted to show that women are involved in the agriculture space as well as exports. I also thought it was important to represent Haiti because the press associated with my country often does not showcase the positivity and the beauty that we have to offer.”

Ms Momperousse has also benefited from a Caribbean Export workshop in Jamaica which explained the impact and advantages of ‘angel investors’ and her business partner attended the annual Havana International Fair (FIHAV) in Cuba.

“The event in Jamaica was wonderful because it helped me to review what it takes to become an investable company with a spin on the Caribbean where angel investor networks are not as common. It was good to have those discussions and to hear what was coming up in terms of engaging with angel investors.”

Ms Momperousse is currently looking for increased capital investment to fund Kreyòl Essence’s ambitious plans for expansion.

“My end goal is to create jobs for 1,000 Haitian farmers and women so that we can truly see that they are getting amazing pay and benefits and a steady income.”

Smart Export Tips

If we focus on some questions which can help us in the investigation into the export market,and what are the products or services that are most profitable in today’s market, and in order to find the most profitable products and profit. The world economy today is focused on the export of different products and services, in order to better emphasize and provide better information on export, as well as the profitability of the export of different products unlike others, we will explain some important points to consider.

exports tipsIn many cases, we are dedicated to export and international marketing forget that the main objective of the company is to be profitable and focus on selling, whatever it takes and whoever falls, that’s what we get paid.

But the reality is quite different. There is no company that lasts for many years if it does not achieve a minimum profitability, which is demanded by its shareholders.

Profitable Exports

The most common questions that you will find, about the export and its profitability, as well as what is profitable to export or not, among which we will find more: What should we keep in mind for a profitable export? How to recognize a profitable market? What are the products or services with a high level of profitability? How to recognize which are the most profitable products and which are the most profitable markets? Which audience to target and who is the most profitable audience?

The questions are of high importance, and their approach is of high importance, so that the export can be optimized and better evaluate the market to which we are going and draw up different business plans, and not only based on the sales factor, but also on the profitability factor, and which is the best market to target, since for a good marketing and to get a better view of the different markets and which audience to target, a marketing research, market evaluation and analysis of these is needed, In the end, what interests us is to obtain profitability and cover a larger market, thus reaching a larger audience of potential clients.

If we think, and analyze profitability in export, we may discover that it’s like a puzzle or another game which we must analyze carefully, so you get the most profit possible.

What should we keep in mind for a profitable export?

should keep on mindsEvery company that sells its products in the international market must have an export plan that answers the following basic questions: How do I get my product to market and how will I be paid?

Finding out that selling your product abroad poses several challenges. The first thing to consider is the method of transportation. There are several options: train / rail, sea, air cargo, express or couriers loading the goods in physical form. Oftentimes, shipping may require multiple methods of transportation. Determining factors include the size of the shipment and the time required for goods to reach customers.

If your customer is relatively close and you have several days to ship the product, trucking may be the best option. However, if your customer needs the product sooner, air cargo is usually the only option.

Next, you must decide if you need to hire an export broker or agent. Many countries require an export declaration for controlled goods and high value shipments. In the United States and Canada, anyone can go to a free government website and file a return online, but this is not the case in many other countries where an export agent will be needed. The procedures usually require that the goods be classified according to a Harmonized Tariff code. Your broker or export agent can help you with this classification. In countries like Mexico, which have export duties and taxes, the declaration allows clients to properly assess costs. Another rationale for using an agent is that, due to the volumes they contract and the relationship they have with the carriers, they can get better rates than one could get by negotiating directly.

How to recognize a profitable market?

recognize a profitable marketMuch is explained and commented on the importance of extensive external market research to identify potential export markets for our products. Undoubtedly this is a central question and on which there is abundant theory in this regard. However, we must act with pragmatism and common sense, so that this phase is not an inexorable obstacle.

Ask yourself: which of the 180 markets that operate in international trade can demand our products?

The answer, in general, is: choose those markets where there is a flow of trade, that is, where from the analysis of import and export statistics at the international level, you observe that there is a lot of countries that are clearly importers of these products, that There are import flows from their country in them, which have a behavior of establishing a growth in imports of the product in the last three years, as central elements.

The product’s tariff position is known (number that identifies the merchandise to be exported in the Customs Nomenclature).

At this point it is crucial that you do not think of groups of countries or countries geographically very large and, therefore, susceptible to being segmented into sub-markets (for example, Europe) as markets.