Your True Shade Cosmetics – Fusing Science And Nature

The global cosmetics industry generates billions of dollars each year and Jamaican Dianne Plummer, owner of Your True Shade, a healthy cosmetic line manufactured in her homeland, is hoping to get a slice of that market.

The first Caribbean cosmetics beauty line to be certified by Cruelty Free International in the United Kingdom; Your True Shade is recognised as a green skin care and clean cosmetics brand. Your True Shade was created out of necessity by Dianne while studying sustainable energy and chemical engineering in Sweden and Finland. During that period, she found it difficult to find makeup that offered ideal coverage without irritating her sensitive skin and causing eczema flare ups.

Using her engineering background, Dianne hand-picked natural ingredients to formulate her own skincare and make-up line. As a result, Your True Shade Cosmetics Limited was born. The line has the distinction of being free from harmful chemicals commonly used in some skin care products. And remarkably, it celebrates the diversity of skin tones found in the Caribbean and beyond.

Though her company is only four years old, Dianne is determined to be a trailblazer in natural skin care in the Caribbean and focuses heavily on innovation, research and development. I’m always trying to make everything better, change formulations and tweak things as we go forward, because innovation has to be at the core of the business, she said.

She added that the old way of doing things was not a sustainable business model, but that a revolution was needed. In her opinion, what separates the outstanding entrepreneur from the average Jane or Joe is the ability to bring something new, never before seen or done, to the market. “In an already saturated market, like skincare, one must figure out how to do it differently and be innovative, Dianne stressed.

She does this by fusing technology, science and nature to deliver a safe, efficacious product, thereby successfully changing the narrative surrounding beauty by making it synonymous with health.

Your True Shade cosmetics is known for its ability to conceal and minimise imperfections, as well as promote healing and repair through the locally-sourced, natural, anti-inflammatory and hydrating herbs, spices and plant extracts used to formulate the line. In essence, it’s makeup with skincare benefits.

Your True Shade will be at the 4th CARIFORUM-EU Business Forum being organized by the Caribbean Export Development Agency at the Union Halle in Frankfurt, Germany from September 26 to 28. Together the over 60 Caribbean suppliers, the event organized in collaboration with the European Union and Deutsche Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) aims to improve trade between the Caribbean and Europe.

Find out more about True Shade Cosmetics: and join their community on Facebook @trueshadecosmetics and Instagram @yourtrueshade.

Full Circle Animation Studio – Animateurs des Caraïbes au monde

Well executed animations can enhance the viewing experience of both children and adults. Full Circle Animation Studio, from Trinidad and Tobago is just one company in the Caribbean that is excelling in its production of animations and whose body of work is being noticed internationally.

Full Circle has the distinction of being the first animation studio in the Caribbean to work with an international production company for a full season of a television show with a major network. They were contracted by Big Jump Entertainment in Ottawa, Canada to produce the animation for season three of “Animals”, an HBO TV series featuring performances from celebrities like Wanda Sykes, Raven-Symoné, RuPaul, Aziz Ansari and Usher among others.

As a result, creators in the company worked tirelessly between December 2017 and May 2018 to perfect the animation for the show.

“This show had a very unique and distinctive style of design and animation. It looks simple and minimalist but it required us to transmit a lot of emotion through the characters using very limited animation movement. Going in, we had underestimated how challenging that could be, while keeping the provocative edge that really defines the style of the show. In that regard, it was a new technical experience for us” said Managing Director Jason Lindsay.

Mr. Lindsay also noted that the experience benefitted his team tremendously. “For a young animation industry like ours here in Trinidad, the main long-term benefit of an opportunity like this is the investment in our human resource. The experience and technical/creative insight gained from our animators working with an experienced production studio like Big Jump Entertainment is invaluable. The entire team benefited from it tremendously,” he stated.

Full Circle has also worked on smaller productions which were broadcast on The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Universal Studios, DreamWorks TV and RAI as well as on projects in the Caribbean.

The company has also collaborated with other companies in the Caribbean on regional and international projects. “On our very first outsourcing job, we collaborated with animation studios in Barbados and Jamaica. Since then, it’s not uncommon for us to work with animation studios in St. Lucia, Barbados and Jamaica for international outsourcing clients. We’ve collaborated on projects with Malfinis Productions in St. Lucia, Alycone Animation and Skyres in Jamaica and Westoonz and BIMAP in Barbados.

“We’ve also developed working relationships with a network of recording studios, casting directors and voice actors in Grenada, Belize, Suriname, Dominica, and Guyana for projects based on Caribbean content like the CARICOM mini-series Pepperpot Valley,” the Managing Director explained.

Now focused on expansion and growth, Full Circle is looking to offer its services on the European market. To that end they will participate in the 4th CARIFORUM-EU Business Forum being held in Frankfurt, Germany by the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in collaboration with the European Commission and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).

This will be an opportunity for them to explore business options available on the European market and to give Europeans some highlights of their vast repertoire.

The Business Forum is a high-profile event which seeks to develop and build international partnerships through business to business meetings, networking and business consultations.

Ce que vous devez savoir sur le rhum

Le rhum a été découvert, produit et perfectionné dans les plantations de sucre dans les Caraïbes depuis le17ème siècle. Au cours de la Depuis plusieurs années, la demande pour ce sous-produit de la canne à sucre a augmenté dans le monde entier.

Les exportations mondiales de rhum du CARIFORUM (un regroupement de quinze pays des Caraïbes) vers l’Europe ont augmenté de 26,86 % au cours des trois dernières années pour atteindre une valeur de 1,45 million d’euros. Les principaux importateurs sont l’Espagne et l’Allemagne, la consommation de l’Espagne représentant 14 % du marché des spiritueux.

Afin d’améliorer et de renforcer les exportations en Europe, les représentants des industries productrices de rhum du CARIFORUM convergeront vers Francfort, en Allemagne, du 26 au 28 septembre 2019, à l’occasion du 4e Forum des entreprises de l’UE du CARIFORUM, pour nouer des relations et accroître la sensibilisation en Europe.

Le forum d’affaires est organisé par l’Agence caribéenne pour le développement des exportations, qui a identifié les industries agroalimentaires et des ingrédients naturels ainsi que les industries culturelles et créatives comme étant les secteurs présentant le plus fort potentiel de croissance en Europe.

Ian Burrell, le SEUL ambassadeur mondial reconnu pour le rhum, dirigera la Master Class sur le rhum le deuxième jour du forum des affaires.

S’exprimant sur le développement de cette industrie au fil des ans, le directeur de la compétitivité et de la promotion des exportations de Caribbean Export, Damie Sinanan, a noté qu’au cours de la dernière décennie, la production de rhum s’est diversifiée pour inclure une large gamme d’arômes, notamment pomme, ananas, mangue et fruit de la passion. Avec ces nouvelles tendances et l’augmentation de la demande, nous espérons voir une gamme plus diversifiée de rhum des Caraïbes disponible sur le marché européen.

Saviez-vous que…

1. Tous les rhums ne sont pas sont doux

La plupart des rhums sont fabriqués à partir de mélasse, un sous-produit de la canne à sucre, par un processus de fermentation et de distillation, et après ce processus, il ne reste que de l’alcool. Par conséquent, le rhum à l’état naturel ne contient pas de sucre et la douceur naturelle du rhum provient du vieillissement dans des fûts en bois de chêne américain pour la plupart. Certains producteurs de rhum ajoutent du sucre au rhum distillé afin d’adoucir et d’adoucir le produit, le faisant paraître plus épais et luxueux. Toutefois, vous ne trouverez pas cela dans les pays producteurs de rhum authentique comme la Barbade, la Jamaïque et la Martinique, dont la réglementation interdit l’ajout de sucre et d’autres conservateurs.

2. Les pirates ne buvaient pas seulement du rhum

Si le rhum était considéré comme la boisson de prédilection des pirates entre les années 1660 et 1730, lorsque la piraterie était florissante dans les Caraïbes, les pirates ne buvaient pas que du rhum. Les pirates célèbres comme le véritable capitaine Morgan (né en 1635 au Pays de Galles et mort en 1688 en Jamaïque), Edward Teach alias Barbe Noire et d’autres buvaient tous les types d’alcool et de spiritueux comme le brandy, le porto et le vin espagnol. La plupart du rhum consommé au XVIIe siècle était bu par des personnes vivant dans les Caraïbes, et non par des pirates.

3. Le rhum est français pour le rhum

Le rhum avec un H est Il ne s’agit pas d’une faute d’orthographe, mais d’un rhum de style français fabriqué à partir de produits frais. du jus de canne à sucre pressé plutôt que de la mélasse. Le nom officiel est Rhum Agricole et ce style de rhum est traditionnellement fabriqué dans les anciennes Caraïbes françaises. des colonies telles que la Martinique, qui appose l’étiquette AOC Martinique Rhum sur son rhum. Agricole.

4. Ron est espagnol pour le rhum

Tout comme les Français ont une façon différente d’épeler le rhum, les Espagnols aussi. En fait, si vous êtes dans un pays hispanophone, le rhum s’écrit Ron. Outre les variantes française et espagnole, il existe d’autres noms pour le rhum. En fait, le rhum porte de nombreux noms non officiels, notamment Aguadiente, Brebaje, Barbados Water, Clarin, Demon Water, Guildive, Killdevil, Nelson’s Blood, Red Eye, Pirates Drink, Navy Neaters, Guildive et Tafia. Quant à l’origine du mot “rhum”, on pense qu’il provient d’un vieux mot anglais appelé Rumbullion, utilisé pour décrire l’alcool de canne à sucre à la Barbade au milieu des années 1600 et signifiant “tumulte”. Un autre lien est établi avec le mot Rumbustious en raison des effets de la consommation de rhum.

5. Pas tous âgés les rhums sont sombres

Il y a Il existe différents types de rhum : or, brun, blanc, épicé, aromatisée et trop forte. Le rhum vieilli tend pour être sombre, mais il y a aussi des rhums blancs vieillis. Le rhum blanc vieilli est obtenu en mettant le rhum distillé dans un tonneau de chêne qui est filtré au charbon de bois, et ce… enlève la couleur foncée mais laisse au rhum la riche saveur des rhums plus foncés. rhums. La clarté et la fraîcheur des rhums blancs en font un choix parfait pour… à boire pur (seul), ou avec de la glace et du citron vert ou dans un cocktail au rhum complet. Beyond Cane Spirit Rothschild (CSR) et Brinley Gold Shipwreck, deux rhums blancs de Saint-Kitts, un rhum blanc vieilli extrêmement populaire est le Barcardi, dont les origines remontent à l’époque de l’Union européenne. Cuba mais maintenant produit à Porto Rico.

6. Il y a différentes façons de vivre et de savourer le rhum

Le rhum est souvent associé à du coca (light) ou à des jus de fruits, mais il existe d’autres façons de boire ce spiritueux mondial. Pour les rhums de qualité supérieure aux saveurs et aux arômes complexes, il est préférable de les boire purs ou avec un verre d’eau ou un glaçon. Les rhums de qualité supérieure conviennent également parfaitement aux cocktails classiques tels que les Old fashions et les Manhattans. Une tendance croissante consiste à associer le rhum à différents types d’aliments, dont le chocolat et les guimauves. Savourer un verre de rhum de qualité supérieure pur en fumant un cigare est également un autre passe-temps favori. Notez que lorsque vous vous rendez dans un bar ou une rhumerie des Caraïbes, vous pouvez entendre straight ou straight up au lieu de neat pour un shot de rhum.

7. Le rhum arrive toutes les gammes de prix

Comme pour tous les autres spiritueux, les prix du rhum varient de bas en haut. Les bouteilles de rhum d’entrée de gamme se situent entre 20 et 60 dollars, mais les prix peuvent être beaucoup plus élevés. Par exemple, un rhum Appleton Estate Independence 50 ans d’âge, distillé en 1962 mais mis en bouteille en 2012, se vend environ 5 000 dollars. Ce n’est pas surprenant puisque seulement 800 bouteilles du rhum jamaïcain Appleton Estate 50 ans d’âge Independence Rum ont été mises en circulation. Un rhum jamaïcain Wray & Nephew de 17 ans d’âge, utilisé dans le premier Mai Tai en 1944, est encore plus coûteux et est estimé à environ 52 000 dollars. Un autre rhum très prisé et très cher était le rhum Harewood Estate découvert vers 2011, qui a la particularité d’être le plus vieux rhum du monde. Embouteillées initialement à la Barbade vers 1780, 24 bouteilles ont été vendues aux enchères par Christie’s à Londres en 2013 et 2014 pour 250 000 £ (environ 332 000 $ US).

8. Pas tous les rhums commercialisés comme du rhum sont du rhum

Avec la popularité croissante et la demande mondiale de rhums, il n’est peut-être pas surprenant qu’il existe désormais de fausses marques de rhum. Les rhums de contrefaçon sont courants en Europe où la canne à sucre n’est pas cultivée. Par exemple, Tuzem, une boisson distillée de la République tchèque, a été commercialisée comme du rhum, mais elle n’est pas fabriquée à partir de canne à sucre ou de sous-produits, mais de pommes de terre ou de betteraves sucrières. Les autres faux rhums à surveiller sont le rhum Verschnitt d’Allemagne et le rhum Inlander d’Autriche. Il faut donc s’en tenir aux marques de rhum connues et, pour les Caraïbes, choisir celles qui portent le label Authentic Caribbean Rum Marque.

Jetez un coup d’œil aux producteurs de rhum des Caraïbes qui seront présents à Francfort, en Allemagne, du 26 au 28 septembre 2019, à l’occasion du 4e Forum des affaires CARIFORUM UE.

Bélo emmène le reggae aux influences françaises en Europe

BélO is easily one of Haiti’s ambassadors to the world.  He has been described by Huffington Post as a socially-minded, Haitian-born singer-songwriter who powerfully delivers jazz and world beat inflected reggae in French and Creole.

The socially conscious singer-songwriter’s real name is Jean Bélony Murat. He uses his sophisticated sound and music to expose social and environmental issues faced by Haiti.

He has received numerous awards including “Best Male Artist 2007” by the Haitian Music Awards and the prestigious “Prix Radio France International Discoveries of 2006.” BélO’s sound is a beautiful mixture of jazz, worldbeat, rock, reggae and Afro-Haitian traditional rhythms known as Ragganga.

BélO is in the line-up of musical performances at the Discover the Caribbean Day on the 28th of September 2019 at the Union Halle, Frankfurt, Germany.  The event is organized by the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) as the final day of the 4th CARIFORUM-EU Business Forum starting on the 26th September at the same location. 

Caribbean Export has identified the cultural and creative industries as high potential growth areas in Europe and in collaboration with the European Union and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) the event will see over 60 Caribbean companies showcase their products and services to the attending audiences.

With the realization that there is an increase in the demand for Caribbean music at a number of cultural events in Europe, including Summerjam Reggae Festival in Germany, Ibiza Soca Festival in Spain and Reggae Sun Ska Festival in France, Caribbean Export is hoping to promote more Caribbean music to Europeans.  This is part of their larger efforts to encourage the export of work done by cultural industries in CARIFORUM countries to Europe.

Other activities on the Discover the Caribbean Day include a film festival where patrons can watch a range films and animations produced in the Caribbean.  There will be over 60 different food and beverage producers sampling products enabling consumers curious about what the Caribbean has to offer, to come out and Discover the Caribbean. 

Smart Export Tips

If we focus on some questions which can help us in the investigation into the export market,and what are the products or services that are most profitable in today’s market, and in order to find the most profitable products and profit. The world economy today is focused on the export of different products and services, in order to better emphasize and provide better information on export, as well as the profitability of the export of different products unlike others, we will explain some important points to consider.

exports tipsIn many cases, we are dedicated to export and international marketing forget that the main objective of the company is to be profitable and focus on selling, whatever it takes and whoever falls, that’s what we get paid.

But the reality is quite different. There is no company that lasts for many years if it does not achieve a minimum profitability, which is demanded by its shareholders.

Profitable Exports

The most common questions that you will find, about the export and its profitability, as well as what is profitable to export or not, among which we will find more: What should we keep in mind for a profitable export? How to recognize a profitable market? What are the products or services with a high level of profitability? How to recognize which are the most profitable products and which are the most profitable markets? Which audience to target and who is the most profitable audience?

The questions are of high importance, and their approach is of high importance, so that the export can be optimized and better evaluate the market to which we are going and draw up different business plans, and not only based on the sales factor, but also on the profitability factor, and which is the best market to target, since for a good marketing and to get a better view of the different markets and which audience to target, a marketing research, market evaluation and analysis of these is needed, In the end, what interests us is to obtain profitability and cover a larger market, thus reaching a larger audience of potential clients.

If we think, and analyze profitability in export, we may discover that it’s like a puzzle or another game which we must analyze carefully, so you get the most profit possible.

What should we keep in mind for a profitable export?

should keep on mindsEvery company that sells its products in the international market must have an export plan that answers the following basic questions: How do I get my product to market and how will I be paid?

Finding out that selling your product abroad poses several challenges. The first thing to consider is the method of transportation. There are several options: train / rail, sea, air cargo, express or couriers loading the goods in physical form. Oftentimes, shipping may require multiple methods of transportation. Determining factors include the size of the shipment and the time required for goods to reach customers.

If your customer is relatively close and you have several days to ship the product, trucking may be the best option. However, if your customer needs the product sooner, air cargo is usually the only option.

Next, you must decide if you need to hire an export broker or agent. Many countries require an export declaration for controlled goods and high value shipments. In the United States and Canada, anyone can go to a free government website and file a return online, but this is not the case in many other countries where an export agent will be needed. The procedures usually require that the goods be classified according to a Harmonized Tariff code. Your broker or export agent can help you with this classification. In countries like Mexico, which have export duties and taxes, the declaration allows clients to properly assess costs. Another rationale for using an agent is that, due to the volumes they contract and the relationship they have with the carriers, they can get better rates than one could get by negotiating directly.

How to recognize a profitable market?

recognize a profitable marketMuch is explained and commented on the importance of extensive external market research to identify potential export markets for our products. Undoubtedly this is a central question and on which there is abundant theory in this regard. However, we must act with pragmatism and common sense, so that this phase is not an inexorable obstacle.

Ask yourself: which of the 180 markets that operate in international trade can demand our products?

The answer, in general, is: choose those markets where there is a flow of trade, that is, where from the analysis of import and export statistics at the international level, you observe that there is a lot of countries that are clearly importers of these products, that There are import flows from their country in them, which have a behavior of establishing a growth in imports of the product in the last three years, as central elements.

The product’s tariff position is known (number that identifies the merchandise to be exported in the Customs Nomenclature).

At this point it is crucial that you do not think of groups of countries or countries geographically very large and, therefore, susceptible to being segmented into sub-markets (for example, Europe) as markets.