Maak kennis met de ontwerper – ASD

Fashion Designer and Illustrator Ayanna Dixon is a true creative. Her passion for fashion was established from a young age, with her love of dressing up and attending fashion shows with her mother, who is a textile designer. She admits that her career as a fashion designer was destined.

An alumnus of Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts and The Art Institute of New York, Ayanna returned home to Jamaica and started her company ASD, whose mission is to empower women with her clothing and illustrated lifestyle products.

Her clothing is designed to be stylish and functional, whilst helping women to feel their best. The theme of her illustrations represent women of different body, hair and skin types and complements her brand’s objective to empower women through diverse representation.

“There is something in my brand for a woman at any stage of life; I have a Career Colouring Book for little girls, illustrated tees for tweens and clothing for women who want something beautiful, [and] empowering that you can wear with ease.”

ASD’s collection has been sold in three of Jamaica’s top boutiques. The brand has also collaborated with local companies such as Cafe Blue Coffee, where her illustrations were featured on limited edition coffee mugs. Ayanna is also working on having her products sold internationally.

Over the years Ayanna has achieved a number of accolades and her collections have been featured at shows in the US and UK which has given her international exposure.

Participating in regional and international fashion events, Ayanna is confident that the industry will continue to grow.

“It’s really inspiring to see all our talent flourishing. Shows like Mission Catwalk, [and] regional events like The Collection MoDa and Carifesta all highlight how much talent we have here. Hopefully through social media and ecommerce the world will be looking to us for not only our beautiful pieces but as a sustainable fashion resource.”

Protecting the environment is woven into Ayanna’s brand objectives and she has focused her charitable efforts on hosting an annual beach clean-up to remove garbage and collect recyclable waste from the local beaches where she enjoys spending her spare time.

Looking to the future, Ayanna plans to have a flagship store and production house located in Downtown, Kingston, as well as distribute her clothing and products internationally. With her clear vision and range of eye-catching illustrated collections, Ayanna and ASD are sure to put Jamaica and Caribbean fashion firmly on the global fashion map.

Social Media: @by.ASD


bahamaSpa To The World

Indira Weech knew she was onto something great when her bath and body care natural line went from being perfect souvenirs to items in global demand.

But as encouraging as this was, frustration quickly set in for the owner of bahamaSpa, a small business located on the island of Nassau in The Bahamas.

We were offered a contract from a major luxury hotel to supply their spa as well as their retail and gift shop. We were also wholesalers for salons and spas requesting bulk supplies of our products as well as retail businesses selling directly to local customers, and we provided personalized gift services. We did exceptionally well in the tourism sector and due to persistent reorder demands from visitors who left the islands, we were in search of avenues to export our products so we could fill the demand.

Our major frustration coming from a small island was the lack of applicable assistance to help us grow and expand globally. bahamaSpa was in the process of restructuring when we learnt of WE-Xport, a valuable opportunity for export guidance which was exactly what we needed at the time, she recalled.

Indira immediately signed up for WE-Xport, a technical assistance programme offered by the Caribbean Export Development Agency designed to give regional female-owned businesses access to grant funding, training, export and networking opportunities.

From there her knowledge of export grew and things began to move quickly. She participated in workshops, was assigned a business coach and met other regional female entrepreneurs. Admitting entrepreneurship could be a pretty lonely road to travel sometimes, Indira confessed that WE-Xport became a safe space for her to share experiences and discuss challenges.

I had a great business coach who assisted me in research, finding the right route to export and making the right decisions as a small business. I have become more disciplined in record keeping and organization because I knew if we were to expand internationally I needed to improve in this area. I also ask for help and assistance more since being enrolled in the programme. I find it very reassuring to know I can still ask for assistance long after our cohort officially ended.

Asking for help was not something I was accustomed to doing and WE-Xport gave me a sisterhood of like-minded female entrepreneurs whom I could now rely on for sound advice, emotional support, encouragement and gentle kicks in the pants when needed. I am eternally grateful for this network, she pointed out.

However, the most rewarding opportunity that WE-Xport presented for Indira was the chance to participate in trade shows including the 4th CARIFORM-EU Business Forum in Germany. Prior to signing up, she had been working on export packaging for bahamaSpa but accelerated this once she was enrolled in WE-Xport.

The response to the new packaging and to our products at shows in the Caribbean and in Europe was outstanding. Increased demand and growth came particularly through the CARIFORUM exhibition. That show was impeccably organised by the Caribbean Export team. It showcased some of the most exquisite brands from the Caribbean. I was very proud to display my pride and joy, bahamaSpa.

The response from the attendees was absolutely amazing. People lined up to meet me and discuss the products, some waited until the trade show was done to ask more questions and a few said they wanted to leave smelling like paradise. It was breathtaking and very affirming. I felt very comfortable and ready but most of all I was prepared. I felt I had grown as a business woman. I was also fortunate to have met a very knowledgeable and successful businessman who is involved in natural products and an expert in the field of manufacturing cosmetics, Indira outlined.

After WE-Xport concluded, Indira continued to focus on her export goals and building capacity for the business. She hired new staff, trained the old ones, secured a dream contract with a major island resort, and was in the midst of creating a storefront for her factory when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

We were on such a positive trajectory that we were blindsided. The lockdown was initially a huge shock for me, Indira said, revealing she opted to pay her staff for the entire three-month period. I still feel this was the right decision even though it left me with very little cash and lots of bills.

Sales dwindled as the lockdown dragged on and with little income, Indira was forced to innovate. While browsing social media, she realized men and women were struggling with hair and skin care, since salons were closed and their personal beauty supplies were running low.

She decided the time had come to launch a hair care line she had been working on for two years: Good & Kinky Boost and Good & Kinky hair oil.
I came up with a marketing strategy which worked for me, BOOST, made fresh Thursday, delivered free on Friday, softer more manageable hair by Saturday. The reviews were great and the products have great potential. I launched something during the COVID-19 lockdown that had become highly requested and a money maker. Sometimes, one simply has to take a leap of faith, Indira proudly said.

However, it wasn’t always a bed of roses. Unfortunately due to the new COVID-19 protocols and social distancing regulations in Nassau, Indira’s factory did not pass inspection and she lost all the money she had invested renovating the workspace.

But as fate would have it, the businessperson she met at 4th CARIFORM-EU Business Forum in Germany became her business mentor during the lockdown. With their expert guidance, Indira has finalized an achievable and manageable planfor export to the European market.

They are convinced bahamaSpa is definitely a scalable business; with their insight, market research and other factors, they are convinced that a marketing drive centred on London, Paris, Rome and Frankfurt will produce remarkable results. Export is now on the horizon! I plan on making bahamaSpa a Caribbean Export success story! I am so grateful that I was afforded the opportunity to participate in WE-Xport, it opened doors for bahamaSpa. My mantra is: With two pots and a spoon, bahamaSpa will make it all the way to Harrods! Indira confidently said.

Maak kennis met de ontwerper – RG: kleding die pronkt

“Clothing that Flaunts” is the slogan for Trinidadian designer, Reuben Gonzales’ self-titled fashion brand. As a graduate of the Caribbean Academy of Fashion Design (CAFD) at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), Reuben’s designs as a student caught the attention of local fashion supporters which led to him taking his work overseas and representing his country at regional showcases.

Reuben Gonzales of RG: Clothing that Flaunts
Reuben Gonzales of RG: Clothing that Flaunts

Reuben started his journey in the fashion industry with an intention to design costumes for theatre. He did however develop a love for fashion and grasped the opportunity to develop his own clothing brand.

Reuben’s initial passion for theatre costume is evident in the dramatic features and bold fabrics he chooses to create his designs for his label. Reuben is also inspired by his environment and the richness of Caribbean culture.

“I have three main sources of inspiration which are fauna, flora, and cultures native or synonymous with my country, the Caribbean, and my heritage. Each collection or garment that I design must have that mix of all three elements.”

Ruffled Sleeveless Shirt Dress.

One of the highlights for Reuben as a designer is the creative process, which allows him to express his vision and he thoroughly enjoys each stage, which includes making mood boards, choosing fabrics, colours, illustrating, draping, and pattern drafting.

As a Caribbean-based designer, who has had the opportunity to showcase his work in regional shows and print publications. His presence in the Caribbean fashion industry has also exposed him to the talent across the region.

“The Caribbean fashion industry has a plethora of creativity, vibrancy and diversity that showcases the Caribbean aesthetic.” Our industry is growing and quite young in comparison to the major fashion capitals, however, there is a wave of new talent that is helping the Caribbean get that international recognition we so deserve.”

For his own brand, Reuben’s goal is to take his designs beyond the Caribbean and to have an international presence in fashion retail stores, boutiques, and the wardrobes of those who love to make a bold fashion statement.

To see more of Reuben’s collections, visit:
Instagram: @rgfashiontt
Facebook: rgfashiontt

Elizabeth Morgan | Handelsupdates: onderhandelingen CARICOM-VS, WTO en post-Cotonou

President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya

In the past week, there have been developments in other areas of the region’s foreign trade agenda which are of note. They are as follows:

• CARICOM-USA – The USA has extended the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBPTA) for 10 years to 2030. I actually viewed the session of the US House Ways and Means Committee which considered the bill and recommended its adoption. This was a bipartisan effort. It was clear, however, that the adoption of the bill emphasised the interest of Haiti, the only least developed country (LDC) in the Western Hemisphere. Other CARICOM member states need to ensure that they are using the market access preferences granted under these arrangements.

• WTO DG SELECTION – At the World Trade Organization (WTO), the candidates for the post of director general (DG) were further narrowed to two women, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria and Ms Yoo Myung-Hee of South Korea. Indeed, history is expected to be made as a woman should be the next WTO DG, if all goes to plan. The question is, which one will receive the support of a critical mass of the 164 WTO members, including the principal trading powers, by November 6?

The 79-member Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), which also operates at the WTO in Geneva, has formally endorsed Dr Okonjo-Iweala. From this, I am assuming that CARICOM WTO members have also endorsed her. To be the clear, DG-designate Okonjo-Iweala needs to secure the support of Latin American countries, some important countries in Asia, such as India and Japan, the European Union (EU), and the USA and China.

• OACPS-EU POST-COTONOU NEGOTIATIONS – I last gave an update on the OACPS-EU post-Cotonou negotiations in August, when the negotiating timeline was extended. As expected, the negotiations resumed in September. Some sources feel that there is a 99 per cent chance that the negotiations will be concluded this year.

The protocols with the Caribbean and the Pacific, from reports, seem to be moving along well. Nevertheless, there seems to be some concern about that with Africa. There are still human-rights and migration issues to be resolved. As I pointed out before, the impression is given in the media that these are issues which primarily concern Africa, but they are also of interest to the Caribbean and the Pacific.

As also previously signalled, the EU’s primary focus is on Africa as it aims to change the relationship to a partnership of equals. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josef Borrell, recently referred to Africa as the EU’s natural partner and neighbour, and said that to face common challenges, the EU needs a strong Africa, and Africa needs a strong EU.

The EU wanted to unveil its new Africa strategy at the EU-Africa Summit, scheduled for the end of this month. The summit has been postponed and could be rescheduled for December. COVID-19 is now central to these deliberations.


For the Caribbean, since June, the focus has been on the EU’s blacklisting of member states as non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. The EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (finance ministers), you will recall, issued a revised list in June which included ten OACPS members, including, at least one CARICOM member state, and putting others on notice. The OACPS president-in-office, President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, sent a letter to the top leadership of the EU condemning its unilateral action, noting that money laundering could be fought in the context of the 2000 Cotonou Partnership Agreement and that the post-Cotonou negotiations provided the opportunity to demonstrate the parties’ commitment to dialogue and a strengthened partnership. I understand that discussions have been ongoing between the OACPS and the EU on this blacklisting issue in the post-Cotonou negotiations.

On October 6, the EU finance ministers updated its money-laundering list and, of interest to CARICOM, added Barbados. CARICOM responded by issuing a strong statement deploring the EU’s ongoing unilateral, arbitrary and non-transparent action. CARICOM called on the EU to pursue a mutually collaborative engagement towards shared goals of effective tax governance to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. In CARICOM’s view, blacklisting, even greylisting, does serious damage to the reputation of its member states.

It is likely that this week, there could be further information on the progress towards completing the post-Cotonou negotiations, an objective of which is the transformation to a partnership of equals. You may wonder whether the OACPS and the EU are actually moving in this direction.

This article which was originally published by the Jamaica Gleaner was submitted by Elizabeth Morgan, Specialist in International Trade Policy and International Politics.

Maak kennis met de ontwerper: Rhaj Paul

Rhaj Paul – The Tailor & Designer

Barbadian tailor and designer, Rhaj Paul is widely known on the island for his signature style and tailored outfits that incorporate distinctive features.

As a designer, Rhaj has also experienced success with his striking t-shirt designs that feature clean typography, with inspirational themes or Bajan colloquialisms.

Quality, precision, and originality go into each creation by Rhaj and the demand for his work has grown consistently over the years. His designs have also trended on social media, with regional influencers proudly wearing their Rhaj Paul t-shirt designs.

More recently, Rhaj has shown the agility of his skill in response to COVID-19 and has added tailored masks to his catalogue of designs.

Quality Conscious Style

Rhaj’s love of style and originality is apparent in his work and whilst he describes his personal style as “Street Chic”, he has a clear vision of his ideal customer and ensures the craftsmanship that goes into his creations are designed specifically for this target audience, whom he describes as “A quality conscious gentleman with a keen sense of style.”

An International Vision

As a designer based in the Caribbean, Rhaj is confident in the region’s ability to make a global impact.

“The Caribbean fashion industry has a lot to give the world. We bring a unique perspective on fashion and execution, and I am pleased to be a part of that dynamic.”

His goal for his own work is to have an international presence. Specifically, in Senegal, France and the United Kingdom.

A Ministry of Style

Brand Evolve Flamingo jeans

Rhaj’s passion for bringing his ideas to life is a key motivator for the designer. The skill, quality and originality that goes into each piece has created a solid foundation for Rhaj and attracted a style-conscious clientele.

With his impressive portfolio and growing popularity over the years, he has proven his work has filled a niche for those who are not afraid to stand out and make a statement with their style.

Elizabeth Morgan | Inruilservices voor CARICOM, toerisme domineert

UNWTO: With COVID-19, global tourism is the worst affected of all major sectors – an emergency for developing countries and small island developing states (SIDS)

Last Saturday, a relative in the USA told me that with a very heavy heart, she and her husband had just cancelled their Caribbean holiday for this winter. The hope is that it will be possible next year.

At the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, the Caribbean government representatives who spoke all pointed to the devastating impact of COVID-19 on their economies. Prime Minister Dr Herbert Minnis of The Bahamas reminded the Assembly that tourism is the main earner for his country and with the drastic decline in visitor arrivals since the start of the pandemic, his country experienced an unprecedented rise in unemployment. Foreign Minister Jerome Walcott of Barbados stated bluntly that the “novel coronavirus has stripped us bare!” Foreign Minister Peter David of Grenada pointed to the negative growth which his country will be registering this year. These and other discussions and reports about the region’s dependence of tourism led me to this week’s topic.


There are some people who still find it difficult to believe that tourism is an export, but it is. Tourism is classified as ‘trade in services’. As a reminder, tourism now contributes 20-50 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of several countries in CARICOM.

Trade in services is about the sale and delivery of intangible products, or what used to be called invisible trade. International trade in services is now regulated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).

Under the GATS, services are delivered in four modes:

  1. Cross-border.
  2. Consumption abroad.
  3. Commercial presence in the consuming country.
  4. Temporary movement of natural persons.

Tourism is mode 2, as visitors travel to the Caribbean to consume the services and products being offered in the countries.

There are a wide range of services which can be traded, and the Caribbean does trade some other services besides tourism, but not on a large scale. These other services include architectural, legal, health, educational, financial, cultural (creative industries), energy, transport, sports, and consultancy, among others. The region’s trade in these other services is not as developed as it could be.

To develop the services sectors and further explore trade in services require good data. The CARICOM region still has difficulty collecting disaggregated trade-in-services data. By ‘disaggregated’, this means information on the volume and value of trade with specific countries or a specific service. The data mainly comes from the balance of payments published by the central banks. Often information on trade with a specific country has to be secured from that country, especially developed countries. The trade is primarily undertaken under WTO rules and the commitments to liberalisation (market access) made in the WTO. The only free-trade agreement which contains trade in services is the EU/CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).

So, tourism is the most developed service trade in the region and it is a very open sector. It is also the sector for which data is quite readily available at the national level through the tourism authorities, at the regional level through the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), and at the multilateral level through the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), not to be confused with WTO.


Tourism, which requires movement of people by land, sea and air, and their accommodation, has been severely impacted at the national and international levels as UNWTO stated. Much has been written and discussed about this impact, especially on SIDS and particularly the Caribbean, which has become very dependent on tourism through the years.

Caribbean countries have reopened borders and devised and implemented protocols in the hope that visitors will begin to return and the winter season can be rescued. The focus has been on the recovery of the sector. One factor, which seems to be overlooked, is that tourism is actually a luxury item. Although global travel has increased at phenomenal rates over the years, a foreign vacation is not at the top of the list of priorities for a household in an economic recession.

I and others have stated that we cannot ignore the international context. There are problems out there over which Caribbean governments have no control. The source markets are mainly the USA, Canada, United Kingdom and member states of the European Union. These countries are still battling to contain COVID-19. As cases continue to increase, some countries have had to reimpose additional restrictions. These economies are not improving satisfactorily and unemployment figures remain high. With their own domestic tourism suffering, governments and industry interests are more likely to encourage nationals to take ‘staycations’. The situation in the USA is particularly worrying. Twenty-nine states are still experiencing spikes and the president has now joined the list of those infected and hospitalised. This is all complicated by the pending elections and their likely outcome.

The medical fraternity is also concerned about the coming winter season, which is likely to bring further increases in COVID cases.

Add to this the crisis in the airline industry, where airlines are reducing staff and cost, some hoping that they can receive recovery support from governments. The cruise ship industry is also in a critical situation and it is not clear when cruises are realistically likely to resume.

The countries of CARICOM are hoping and planning for a recovery, and I do hope this will happen sooner rather than later. But, I also hope that contingency plans are in place.

This article which was originally published by the Jamaica Gleaner was submitted by Elizabeth Morgan, Specialist in International Trade Policy and International Politics.

Ontmoet de ontwerper – DrielleDranelle

A Family Brand

Designers- Elle and Edranelle Heyliger
Designers – Elle and Edranelle Heyliger

Elle and Edranelle Heyliger are siblings from Grenada who discovered their love of creating their own looks from a young age.

Having learned from a young age to improvise with their own wardrobes, the sisters were motivated to take sewing lessons and as a result, came together to form their own company specialising in custom designs.

The Brand

Initially known as Elle.gnd, the sisters recently rebranded their company to DrielleDranelle, but despite the new name, their goal is the same – for their customers to look good and feel good.

Over their five years of operations, Elle and Edranelle have attracted a clientele who require custom pieces ranging from day wear to evening wear for special occasions such as proms and graduations.

The popularity of their custom designs has proven the sisters have found a niche market and put them on the path towards developing their own line of ready-to-wear fashion their customers can purchase from retailers.

Their creative talents also extend to interior designs and a soft furnishings line is also within their plans for DrielleDranelle.

Eyes on the Fashion Pulse

With their sights firmly set on expanding their brand, Elle and Edranelle are conscious of regional fashion trends and developments within the industry.

“Caribbean people have become more aware of their heritage and uniqueness in culture, so upcoming trends may very well pay homage to this.”

Ethical fashion is also one on their radar as they predict that clothing with biodegradable material will be a large part in the development of Caribbean fashion.

The DrielleDranelle Muse

Both Elle and Edranelle admit their personal style is simple, yet they have a keen eye for detail and enjoy making a fashion statement when they create original pieces for themselves and their customers.

Iconic women such as Michelle Obama and Beyonce are among the Heyliger sisters’ inspiration when it comes to style and their work ethic. The Kardashian sisters are also a source of creative inspiration for Elle and Edranelle’s designs.

Showcasing their Talents

At the beginning of 2020, the sisters achieved their proudest moment since the inception of their brand. The sisters collaborated with fellow fashion professionals, including a well-known local model and industry photographer to host an event showcasing the best parties in Grenada.

Elle and Edranelle not only contributed to the wardrobe for the event, they were also heavily involved in model preparation and makeup.

The positive feedback they received following the event, gave them a holistic appreciation for their craft and enhanced their creative skills even further.

The Future for DrielleDranelle

Having made an impact locally in fashion, the sisters have a clear vision for their future.

Elle and Edranelle’s goal for their brand DrielleDranelle, is to become a household name in fashion, beauty, costume design and interior design.

As a team of creatives who have designed many unique creations, their plans to offer a ready-to-wear fashion line will increase access to their brand for a larger clientele:

“Our ideal customer is a woman that knows what she wants but is not afraid to take risks, therefore leaving room for creativity and experimentation. She is also confident and holds herself to a high standard in all aspects of life.”

With five years as a brand in the industry and a growing clientele, DrielleDranelle is sure to become the household name they envision.

Ontmoet de ontwerper – Kimya Glasgow

The Designer

Kimya Glasgow is an avid student of fashion. Honing her artistic talents since childhood, Kimya showed natural talent with her sketches of clothing and accessories.

Designer – Kimya Glasglow

Born in St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Kimya spent her early years in Trinidad and Tobago and later went on to study in Barbados where she achieved an Associate Degree in Fashion Design.

Kimya’s experience as a student of art and fashion design has led to a process that includes her detailed research on the elements which inspire her to make her ideas come to life.

As a true Caribbean native, the rich culture and art from the region are a source of inspiration for Kimya as a designer for her own line of clothing and accessories.

The Brand

Kimya Glasgow, the brand, is the natural evolution of her love and dedication for fashion which is guided by a mission to create high quality products that includes resort wear, swimwear, soft furnishings and accessories.

Sustainability is a core feature woven into her brand’s mission, with Kimya’s preference for natural fibres that are eco-friendly and durable. Ethical fashion is particularly important due to the threat of climate change and the Kimya Glasgow brand can be highlighted as a leader in this effort with their focus on using biodegradable materials.

Many of her creations include unique touches such as hand-paintings and hand-beading. She particularly enjoys creating designs with contrasting elements. In one of her designs, Kimya combined fabric with European and African features.

“My favourite part [as a designer] is the research and then developing ideas from inspiration. Often taking things that seem to have nothing to do with each other, like when I mixed English garden florals and Dutch-African wax prints and found a way to make them work together.”

Kimya Glasgow’s International Presence

The Cleo Dress

Over the years, Kimya has embraced the opportunity to promote her award winning brand overseas. Runway shows have given the Kimya Glasgow brand international exposure with her pieces featured at regional fashion events in Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Mustique, Trinidad & Tobago and St. Kitts. The brand has also featured their collection outside of the Caribbean in Miami and New York, which is widely acknowledged as the mecca for fashion in the United States.

A Digitally Savvy Brand

The Nisani Racerback Tank

The Kimya Glasgow brand can be found online via their website and social media channels.

The website is a strong marketing and sales channel with an ecommerce platform for online retail of their products and an e-mail subscription feature to keep their audience informed of any updates. Distributors can also use the website, which can be viewed in english, spanish and french, to approach the brand for wholesale opportunities.

The Future of Kimya Glasgow

The Amelia Dress – Long Shirt Dress Linen

The Kimya Glasgow brand has shown no signs of slowing down. In 2019 the designer launched her own fragrance, Kimya Glasgow Vanilla Orchid in collaboration with Martiniquan perfumer, Parfum Des Iles. Kimya is particularly proud of this achievement which has complemented the company’s product offer as a lifestyle brand.

The award winning designer has proven her ability to acknowledge consumer needs with her range of products. Kimya has also shown she can adapt to their habits with the Kimya Glasgow website and social media channels. These digital platforms play an important role in providing the brand with an opportunity for greater exposure and access to international consumers.

The journey of Kimya’s lifestyle company, along with her clear focus on her goals for an ethical brand of casual, yet elegant products puts this Caribbean brand at an advantage for longevity.

Maak kennis met de ontwerper – Ontwerpen van Nadia

The Brand

The dragonfly is known for its kaleidoscope of brilliant iridescent colours and in Japan is a symbol of courage, strength and happiness.

This beautiful creature is also a distinct feature in the logo for Designs by Nadia and an appropriate representation of the brand’s handcrafted jewellery and clientele.

Designer – Nadia Jabour

Founded by Nadia Jabour, the Jewellery brand Designs by Nadia is characterised by brilliant, often iridescent colours, and naturally occurring variations, much like the dragonfly.

Each collection is made with elements found in the Caribbean such as coconut, scented cedarwood, natural seeds and scales from the tarpon fish, found in the mangroves of Guyana.

The natural elements used in each collection require specific processes to prepare them to be intricately crafted into a piece of jewellery designed by Nadia. The formation of these raw materials means that no two pieces are the same and every item has unique features for each client.

Based in Rodney Bay, St. Lucia, which is a popular tourist destination and known for its world-class marina, Designs by Nadia is perfectly situated to offer their collection of unique pieces to both locals and visitors to the island.

A Reputable Caribbean Jeweller

As a Caribbean company that has been in existence for over 10 years and located in a popular tourist destination, the longevity of the company has proven that Designs by Nadia is a valuable brand with products that appeal to a global clientele.

One of Nadia’s proudest achievements has taken her overseas to represent her company and St. Lucia. The event, which was held at Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom featured regional designers from the Commonwealth. Designs by Nadia was the perfect representative to showcase their handcrafted jewellery with authentic and natural Caribbean materials.

Designs by Nadia in a Digital Space

As the retail world has shifted to ecommerce, Designs by Nadia has also adjusted its operations and embraced online channels to promote and sell their products.

This has opened up more opportunities for international exposure and clients.

The company’s website is designed for easy browsing of the various collections, news updates and purchase with an international shipping option. There is even a function where the customer can select and compare pieces before making a final decision to purchase.

Wholesalers can also register their interest via the company website.

A Wealth of Caribbean Creativity

Green Fish scale Earrings

Throughout her years as the head designer of her jewellery company and having the opportunity to promote her company within the region, Nadia has seen the potential for the industry as a whole. With an abundance of creative individuals from the Caribbean, she would like to see her fellow designers receive regional support and more exposure.

As an experienced designer, Nadia’s attention to detail as a creative and business owner is a good template for designers from the region who would like to achieve similar success.

For her own brand, Nadia’s goals to be internationally known as a Caribbean Jewellery designer are on the right track to making this a reality.

Ontmoet de ontwerper – Tasha & Tianne Fashions

The Brand

Tasha & Tianne Fashions is a clothing and accessory brand by Jamaican designer Simone Gordon.

The fashion pieces created under the Tasha & Tianne Fashions brand include tailored clothing and accessories with bold, colourful fabric prints and leather. All of which are personally handmade by Simone.

A Third Generation Designer

Designer - Simone Gordon
Designer – Simone Gordon

Simone’s role as a designer could be described as destiny. Having grown up with her mother and grandmother who were dressmakers, she was witness to their creations and personal style from a young age.

These childhood experiences, and living in an environment rich in colour were valuable sources of inspiration that have contributed to her passion in designing the pieces she creates for Tasha & Tianne Fashions.

A Multifaceted Brand

When scrolling through the official Tasha & Tianne Fashions’ Instagram page, Simone’s skill as a designer are displayed in its various forms. Tailored jackets, asymmetric dresses, necklaces, bracelets and more recently masks with matching accessories, all make up the pieces available.

“My favorite part of being a designer is taking a piece of fabric and turning it into a work of art.”

African-inspired fabric prints and vibrant colours are elements that feature in many of the designs that are tailored to complement the female frame. The accessories also add an eye-catching burst of colour that can enhance a casual outfit.

Whilst Simone would describe her own personal style as “simple, uncomplicated, comfortable and free”, her ideal customer is a lady who likes to stand out from the crowd in the most beautiful and unique way. Tasha & Tianne Fashions are intentionally created to stand out.

Tasha & Tianne’s bold prints on the runway

The Future of Caribbean Fashion

As a Caribbean designer, Simone is optimistic that the fashion industry in the region will grow, based on the passion of her fellow creative designers who have made significant progress with little funding.

Her own goal is to expand the production of her brand so that Tasha & Tianne Fashions is available in international retail stores. She would also like to open her own local showroom with her pieces.

The eye-catching clothing and accessories designed by Simone have been featured in the press and local runway shows. As an established designer in Jamaica, Tasha & Tianne Fashions can be recognised as a local fashion brand with the potential for international success.

Simone’s natural talent and passion for fashion are the perfect formula for Tasha & Tianne’s longevity in the Caribbean fashion industry.

Caribbean Export: katalysator in ontwikkeling particuliere sector

While the international business community appears to hold its collective breath in anticipation of the undoubted financial damage COVID-19 has done, Ecofarms, an ambitious Jamaican-based social enterprise, looks set to demonstrate the value of the support its receiving from Caribbean Export Development Agency. Caribbean Export sources finance from the European Union to help Caribbean businesses trade in Europe and is the only regional trade and investment promotion agency in the African, Caribbean and Pacific group. Established in 1996, it serves 15 Caribbean states – Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname plus Trinidad and Tobago.

Caribbean Export is supporting Ecofarms’ quest to identify routes to the international market for its new immunity-boosting Cold & Flu HoneyStix. Infused with natural products – including ginger, turmeric, nutmeg, tamarind, cinnamon and honey – the HoneyStix are poised to make a timely entry on the world stage as health authorities champion the merits of healthy immune systems while grappling with the mysterious deadly virus. Headquartered in rural Mandeville in central Jamaica, Ecofarms’ honey blend has been found by university researchers to be more effective than the more expensive Manuka honey in breaking down drug-resistant bacteria. Currently retailing in 50 stores across Jamaica, including coffee chain Starbucks since autumn 2018, the HoneyStix are produced by vulnerable local people – its entire staff are all single parents and/ or have disabilities that would limit their opportunities to secure alternative employment. Ecofarms’ investment in its workforce of six seemed to have been returned with interest, as its founder Grace Foster-Reid explained: “While COVID-19 began to spread and employers looked to furlough workers or let them go altogether, we kept ours on, paid them a full salary and even took on two new beekeepers.

To continue doing business during this time, it seemed likely that we would have to use up our reserves of honey. That looked to be a certainty when Jamaica experienced a drought in April and honey production fell. Amazingly, we had a bumper crop – we didn’t need to use any of the reserves. “It was an act of faith to keep with our workers. I am a woman of faith and I believe the bumper crop was a blessing from God. It is easy to feel sorry for ourselves when we hit trouble, but the important thing is to get back up from a fall and believe that in every crisis, there is opportunity. Personally, I am convinced that the bigger the crisis, the bigger the opportunity.” Ecofarms itself emerged from a crisis, when Grace, an engineer and MIT graduate, found herself out of work after the closure of the two bauxite factories in Mandeville. Recognising the economic potential that lay in Jamaica’s rich natural resource, honey, before long, the seeds that grew into her progressive social enterprise were sown, taking on and overcoming the numerous obstacles in its path, including staffing issues, lack of capital and funding, plus low profit margins. The HoneyStix now form part of Ecofarm’s immediate targets: to boost its income through online selling and, in keeping with its societal mission, to continue creating employment for people from at risk and disabled communities while paying attention to the wellness of the planet and its workers. It will expand operations to the Jamaica Deaf Village, where they will mostly employ the hearing impaired – two deaf youths are currently training as beekeepers. Ecofarms will also strive to make its operations carbon neutral.

Tracing Ecofarms’ success back to Caribbean Export’s early input, Grace added: “I was fortunate to be one of 19 Caribbean businesswomen in its inaugural programme in 2018. We gained business insight to help us develop our products and services but also a sisterhood that gave us mutual support. Ecofarms is about people, which are among our KPIs – profit is secondary. “We appreciate what Caribbean Export has done for us, and we will carry this ethos as we progress to trading overseas. We look forward to its support during our next phase – with our intellectual property, expert coaching from an export specialist and with marketing.” Anthony Bradshaw, Officer in Charge at Caribbean Export, said: “We embarked upon the Women Empowered through Export (WE-Xport) programme with the specific purpose of supporting women-owned businesses that had the potential, to commence exporting or increase their exports. “To see this come to fruition for Ecofarms is indeed a rewarding experience for both Ecofarms and the Agency. Mrs Foster-Reid and the other businesses in the programme worked diligently and whilst this period of uncertainty has left many exposed, it’s encouraging to know that some of the tools learnt during the programme have been leveraged to maximise opportunities. Her success has demonstrated the important role that Caribbean Export plays in private sector development in partnership with the European Union.“We will continue to assist SMEs such as Ecofarms to increase their competitiveness and leverage available opportunities to increase their exports.”

This article was originally published on The Voice as part of a series featuring Caribbean entrepreneurs and businesses sponsored by the Caribbean Export Development Agency.

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Ontmoet de ontwerper – Bijou Lakay

Bijou Lakay, the Brand

Bijou Lakay is an award winning jewellery brand created by Daphnée K. Floréal.

Meet the Designer - Bijou Lakay
Daphnée K. Floréal., founder of Bijou Lakay

Inspired by Haitian culture, Bijou Lakay’s hand-crafted accessories are designed to complement outfits for both day and night.

Natural materials such as bullhorn, wood and bone are just some of the precious materials used to create the brand’s earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Each accessory is delicately made by craftsmen who use traditional tools and methods passed down through the generations. The brand also creates limited edition collections with precious gemstones such as turquoise and pearls.

Daphnée is a creative at heart, who enjoyed fashion and art from childhood. She now finds joy in designing jewellery that represents Haiti and sharing them with the public.

Bijou Lakay’s Impact on Caribbean Fashion

Bijou Lakay has proven to be an influential Haitian brand, having won regional and international awards. As the founder of the brand, Daphnée is very proud of her achievements. She has also seen a positive change in local attitudes towards fashion.

“15 years ago, people [would] never wear a bullhorn piece to any big events or to go to work. Now, when you wear artisanal accessories, you look cool and trendy.”

Maeva is designed for our black queens

The ideal Bijou Lakay customer is a person who is open to creativity and not afraid to try new styles.

As a Caribbean designer who has been in the industry for a number of years, Daphnée has experienced challenges similar to other fashion brands in the region. These include lack of international exposure as well as financing to expand a brand’s presence and product offer.

Despite the obstacles, Daphnée focuses on increasing her brand’s exposure via the Bijou Lakay’s social media channels. She has also attended international exhibitions to showcase the unique accessories whilst connecting with overseas customers and potential stakeholders.

The Bijou Lakay brand is available to purchase online via their website that offers international shipping. Their website also has a form where distributors can contact the company for opportunities to retail the brand at their outlets.

The Future

Celebration is a masterpiece, handmade with bullhorn

As a brand, Bijou Lakay’s online presence continues to expose the brand to local and international audiences. The website is a channel that gives international customers access to bold, statement accessories created in Haiti.

When asked about her goals for Bijou Lakay, Daphnée is keen to expand her accessory line to include more statement pieces with precious materials by international craftsmen to create more unique accessories that will complement her brand’s range of product for the brand.

To find out more about Bijou Lakay, you can find them at: bijoulakay 

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